Chapter XV: Hello, Mate.

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A/N: as stated on my Instagram account wattpad_e.rose, I said I was going to update in the next 24 hours and here it is. Enjoy!

Over the many months without his 'mate', his wolf had been fighting against Xavier. Not letting him shift, angry that his human side was not accepting the gift that was sent by the moon goddess above.

Xavier could feel the cold shrug that his wolf would give when ever he tried to tap into his wolfs abilities or to shift. The little vixen he had met over a year ago has left Xavier to deal with an uprising. His pack angry that he won't get over what had happened with Erikah.

They knew the female alpha was his mate. They'd see every time he tried to shift he would get stuck in a half shift. Half man, half beast. How could he be so blind to what this female alpha could bring to his pack. He was still in denial, but was wondering if he should maybe accept the mate bond to satisfy his wolf and his pack members who are outraged.

He was endangering them for another attack because of his wolf not allowing him to shift. His pack was going against many of his orders.

"Xavier, I know your wolf is hurting and maybe you are too, but this is what I meant. When you first met Isla you knew there was something different about her, your wolf felt a connection to her. He didn't feel a connection to Erikah and he knew that Erikah was not your mate." When Damien said Isla's name Xavier couldn't help but flinch. He kept a blank face but his body would go against him, he couldn't resist much longer, could he?

"You and Isla are both just going to hurt yourselves and everyone else in the process. Your mate bond could be a beautiful thing and bring light into the bleakness of this pack, but instead you're going to curse us into a dystopian world. We as a pack need an alpha that can find a way to bring a new world, a better world for this pack." His beta would constantly scold him, if he wasn't his cousin, and a great pack doctor to his pack, then he would probably kill him for the way he speaks to him.

"Damien, go and tend to your patients. You're irritating me greatly, whilst I'm trying to complete this load of pack work. I know my pack isn't happy with the current situation, but I'm not going to give them another reason." His hands paling at his knuckles as they clenched, trying to hold himself back. His beta was loved dearly, any other normal day it would be fine. Before Isla, his pack believed they would just play roughhouse.

"Fine." Damien opened the door to walk out.
"Just keep denying everything and see what happens, then we'll see whose fit to be Alpha." He slammed the door on his way out, leaving Xavier to grit his teeth and slam his hand into the plaster of the wall. His wolf was agitated too, which caused Xavier to curse out at his wolf, as his wolf left him in half shift once again.

He saw his reflection in the window, the white laced curtains that was picked out by his mother flowing from the soft wind. Xavier felt like they were mocking him so he ripped them off with his elongated claws.


The teared pieces slipped through his fingers, his heart aching. He wished his mother was still alive so he could be consoled by her, but instead he had no one. In his moment of silence, he stood there staring out at the window. Rain spitting against the glass panel, before it started to get heavier. He closed the window before turning around, he swiped at his desk causing papers to fall from the original spots.

His eyes catching in the brief moment, Isla's hand writing. It was neat to an extent but being a rogue from young age had left it to be slightly messy. Looking at the pieces of the decrypted codes, he felt his heart tug in a painful needless way. Then he saw it. She placed hearts above her i's.

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