Chapter XIII: A Ceremony?

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Isla felt her head wobble, a soft silky garment rested over her body. She could hear herself groaning. Male voices surrounding where her aching body laid, a couple of feminine voices chipping in here and there. She could feel warmth under her back. Something strong holding me. Possibly a male.

She was placed on top of something that felt like a cold stone. It felt as though a set of hands were on her, which turned into 2, then 3 and then it turned into many. Her eyes wouldn't open though. She was unsure if it was a blind fold or if She was badly injured. Her mind was faded. She couldn't smell the people around her, but she could smell smoke and ashes.

She felt something tug behind her head, a blind fold that covered her eyes from seeing what was happening around her. Her hands were bound by rope as she slowly rose, curious to see everything that was around. There were many tents set up, but what really caught her eye was many men and women wore black clothes, yet looking down she was wearing white. She couldn't see any blood though. The full moon was still up, so there was no way that she could've healed by now.

She looked at those who were closer to were she sat. Each of them had red flecks in their eyes to a certain extent, looking around she noticed the full moon emphasised the red flecks in their eyes. Majority around her had red, whilst others had irises with only the one colour.

Did that mean some of them have witch and warlock in their genes too? She was still confused and conflicted on the identity of herself having witch blood coursing through her veins.

Then she saw him. The male that infiltrated Xavier's pack with the utmost ease. He stared at me with a small smile on his face. Next to him stood a male, a strong male that she thought was attractive. His muscles were toned, along with his face. His eyes were a bright hazel that reflected blue and red specks. His skin a smooth milk chocolate. Her wolf scolded her for looking at another male when she already had a mate, even if he was beautiful. Then he spoke. His voice laced with a Spanish accent.

"Today, we have another she wolf that is the same as us. A hybrid. All though she still does not have much in her veins, she has proven herself to the moon that she is selfless." There was hooting between the wolves. Hands pounding on the ground in a rhythmic tune. They were all in sync and stopped at the same time. He held some power over these wolves.

Was he an alpha?

"She does not know our young pups, yet instead of the savagery many rogues display, and even some other wolves in packs; she saved two of our pups. On the brink of death child, we bring you to our camp to thank you and to heal you." There was cheering, hands pounding for another round of music from physical bodies.

"Child, tell us who you are?"

"I- uh- I'm Isla"

"No child, tell us more, who do you identify yourself as?" The question hit really close.

"I don't really know," She paused, he looked into her eyes, giving her a reassuring nod. "I lost my parents and my pack when I was 8. I shifted prematurely and I have been trying to figure out who I am. I can cover my scent, all though I don't know how. Recently, someone who is a hybrid, told me that I have witch in my genes. Something that I didn't even know could exist." She spoke, A few faces around her looked calculating, as they took in what she said to them, others inspecting her facial expressions and her words to depict whether she spoke the truth or if she lied to them.

Then some women dispersed from the crowd.
"Child, what is your full name and who were your parents?" She spoke.

"Isla Faye, daughter to Luna Alissa and Alpha Daniel Faye of the deceased White Crescent pack." A lot of gasps and loud conversations of shock rose in the crowd once two men stated that she was telling the truth.

"Everyone, quiet down, please. That's an order." The man spoke loudly, he held power behind his voice but it wasn't as strong as an alphas. He began to approach her.

Clasping her hands in his, he spoke. "I am son of Fabian Alvaro, and I am Matías Alvaro. Next in line to be the head warrior commander of the White Crescent pack and now I was temporarily filling in the role of alpha."

Once the names left his mouth, and she heard the name Fabian Alvaro and her deceased packs name, she couldn't help but cry in front of everyone here.

"And now, you are our alpha, long lost daughter of Alpha Daniel Faye." He bowed down in front of her, still holding onto her hands. "Majority of these people here with us are the survivors of White Crescent, your pack members." Everyone else followed behind him, her wolf felt pride and power surging through their veins as she claimed an alpha position, her respectful position.

"Do you accept us, to be your pack members, Alpha she wolf?"

"I, Isla Faye, accept your claim to be your new alpha. As alpha I promise to hold this position with respect, honesty and loyalty. And I promise that I will hold no form of discrimination and will always listen to the opinions of all wolves and hybrids among this pack. Your opinions will always be taken into account, especially when making decisions that can affect us all." Her wolf laced power throughout her voice. Her presence could be felt by everyone as most shivered and applauded.

A golden cup was placed into her hands, all of her members lining up. Each individual, besides the children, were cutting their hands, stating their names and their ranking of power. Their crimson blood disappearing as it diffused throughout the clear liquid that was inside. The water would ripple with each drop, indicating that their blood was there.

It continued until all shifted wolves had placed their blood in the cup, the man she had seen at Xavier's pack and Matías being the last ones, the strongest being left till last.

"Now when you cut your hand, your blood should turn red indicating that you are in the right position to be alpha of this pack and if your wolf truly accepts us."

Suspense filled the air in thick waves, as the males and females from before began making the sounds again. Hands banging and voices mixing to make music to the moon.

He passed her the gold knife, whilst the other man took away the grey knife that was used before. Her blood could not be mixed by others blood that could interfere with the results.
Clasping the cold golden knife that matched the cup, she could feel the bumps and texture of what was sculptured into the cup and knife.

The cold metallic feeling of the knife rested on her hand as she took a deep breath in and out. Her next breath drew in as she sliced her hand, holding the warm liquid in her hand before turning it and allowing the blood to drip. Silence filling the air, as some peaked to look at the cup. Colour started to swirl in the cup.

She gasped as she saw the red but next to it was the blue that formed a yin and yang. One of the elders spoke at the sight.

© 2018 Emily Rose All Rights Reserved

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