Chapter XII: Full Moon

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A/N: not edited

She stood on the soft sand that was warming up by absorbing the suns light. The autumn sea breeze raising goosebumps on her bare skin. The oceans hands waving before clashing and moving back into the still water. New waves approaching each time. The full moon would be arriving soon.

She was running in her wolf form, the dusted silver amongst her fur glistened underneath the sun as she made her way through the trees. soon the forestry became dense. A perfect place to rest, to find a meal and to find a cave to sleep in over night.

She began her search for a cave, not long after finding an empty cave that had once stored a wild fox with her babies before they grew and left their nest. The place was fairly cozy for her wolf to rest in. Amongst her inspection outside of the cave, she had found a brown snake, attacking the snake with her fine claws until the snake was subdued and dead. She couldn't eat this meat as the texture of the flesh was ruined by the damage she had caused, as well as the flies that contaminated the meat.

She let her wolf take control, the beastly side of her embracing the hunt that was upon her as she hunted for her next meal. She had carried only a small amount of luggage. Majority of the past 48 hours had been her wolf form, running, hunting, resting. The new autumn season was still warm with the summer only having passed less than a month ago.

Her beasts ears perked up at the smell of a deer, she trekked along the ground, manoeuvring quietly. Her wolf was like the breeze of the wind, a strong wind that had a bite behind it.

She crouched, her legs springing onto the deer that wasn't watching. Before going for the kill she saw the scared baby fawn that was frightened like a deer with headlights. Her wolf got off the deer letting it run into the forest.

Her wolf knew the struggles of being a pup without a parent. She couldn't cause another animal that pain, even if the animal was wild. She would settle on a rabbit instead, even if that left her hungry. She wiped off the blood from her lips after gnawing on a rabbit she had found in a hole.

She returned to her cave, pampering her paws that she had to use to dig up the rabbit.

With the sun setting on the beach, the water mirrored it as the sun hit the horizon. She moved away from the beach, the smell of freedom. The sand squeezing through her toes. The satisfaction of it calming her tense nerves. Werewolves held that little more power during the full moon.

She walked back into the forest, shifting into her wolf form once again. It had been near a month since she left Xavier's pack behind.

She hunted a few rabbits, deciding not to hunt deer with the worry that many of them will be mothers with their fawns depending on them to survive. Her hunger never satisfied with the small amounts of food, but her mind was content that she wouldn't be causing fawns the torture of losing their mother.

Resting in between thick scratchy shrubs, she fell asleep before the full moon was at its peak. Full moons were filled with cocky male rogues thinking they have power over women and can get away with everything. It's the night rogues have to put the most effort in to survive.

It had been a couple of hours of her wolf and herself sleeping, when suddenly, as she laid resting she awoke from the sound of loud screams of children.

Her wolf instantly stood, power seeping through her body as she shot up and sprinted to the noises. The mother instincts she was born with kicking in. Even though she was yet to have her own children, she would lay her life down for the adorable pups.

Growling and bloodshed as the pups screamed. Running to them with aching muscles from the strain of sprinting and not having a proper meal in a long time.

The rogues were bound by the full moon to fight like gladiators to the death to see who is worthy of being the moon goddess' child warrior.

The pups must've stumbled upon them by accident as they roamed lost and scared of the dark depths of the unknown forest. Isla's memory turning hazy throughout as her wolf took the heat of the battle. It was like rabid dogs fighting in the street. Something no one would want to see. 4 male rouges against one female alpha.

She managed to kill one before the other 3 jumped onto her. Flesh ripping on her back and the children screaming out for the wolves to stop. Her fur making it look all the worse as blood stained and soaked throughout. The brown muggy wolves barely shown the crimson blood during the dark night.

The she wolf kicked one of the rogues off and shook the other rogue that was on her back. The last rouge being attached to her front paw with his teeth, not knowing the other rogues weren't helping, she grabbed his scrawny neck and flung him against a tree causing it to splinter. She went for the rogue she shook off her back with the other 2 rogues being immobilised by the impact of her previous defence.

With this to her advantage she wanted to take him out quickly so she could move her focus onto the others. He stalked around her growling ferociously, the she wolf doing the same in return. His tail went between his legs when her wolf let her alpha power seep into his body, stunning him to freeze instead of fighting or taking flight.

He finally worked up the courage and ran aimlessly to try and snatch her neck, but her wolf jumped out of the way, grabbing his neck from the side and dragging him down, her paw instinctively shooting out to put weight on his jaw and to grip his neck before pulling out massive chunks. The wolfs breathing stopped.

Next was the wolf she kicked, his nose was badly damaged along with his eye, the wolf trying to shake off the pain the bit his jaw, flipping him over. He whimpered at the pain this female alpha was bringing. He bared his neck hoping for mercy, but trust was not meant to be given so easily. She learnt this numerous times and was left to bare his marks. She wouldn't make the mistake again. She ended his life quickly.

They were wrong to gang up on a pissed off alpha she wolf that was thirsty for blood, as she hadn't had her filling with food for a few weeks now. Her feminine side kicking in motherly instincts, or perhaps it was also the Luna side of her wanting to care for the safety of wolves, especially young children. The last rogue wolf laid injured, he was immobilised by his back injuries, his breathing was sharp.

Isla Faye could not remember much of that night. As though her body was no longer under control but someone else. She was forced to watch alone in what felt like an empty theatre, fighting the urge to stay awake not wanting to miss out on the details.

She saw the children smiling, before she was tackled to the ground by a powerful wolf that she could not smell.

She blacked out on impact, already too weak from the amount of blood she had lost. She was proud of herself. Her strength grew over the weeks she set out to find this 'travelling pack'.

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