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This chapter is dedicated to Jesse_742 thank you for all the votes!

A/N: not edited.
4 years later:
Xavier was constantly travelling every few months to different packs. With murders occurring on certain pack borders, the human federal officers were getting involved.

Curious to whether certain aspects of these murders were related to a cult. Blood drained in some, others torn apart and reattached.
The biggest concern is for Alpha Nathaniel's Silvermoon Pack. They were receiving most of the back lash from it all.

Xavier is currently staying at Silvermoon's territory as it is his position to help certain cases like these, however the stress has piled up as the lawyers that knew of our kind and helped protect our secret were both dead. Dying together in car accident caused by a drunken teenager.

Isla's thoughts on the crisis were one of the larger subjects that she would ponder on at different times whether busy or not. She picked up a wide portion of Xavier's paper work. The two becoming a powerful duo.

She supervised over the packs training along with their trusty head warrior. Tapping a pen on her leg as she sat snuggled near a fire as the autumn days faded into winter once more. The porch over looking the men and women who were sparring.

A war is coming.

And they will be prepared for this one.

Flashback to just over 3 years ago.

Xavier helped his mate Isla out of the black truck. Some of his best warriors following in other vehicles.

This meeting screamed power as the alphas came together for 3 days to discuss all the latest issues. Isla's hair was tied in a bun with loose strands of hair framing her face.

Her leg showing through the split in her dress. She fixed Xavier's tie, placing a kiss on his lips before it all began.

Havoc was amongst the counsel as Alpha Xavier and Alpha Alden discussed the findings and a battle with vampires. Denial and aggression filled the room.

Isla was impatient with the immature men.

"If you could just listen for a god damn second!" She tried yelling over the men bickering, one of the males next to her a beta from a different pack scoffed at her remarks. She slammed her hands on the table. Before grabbing the beta and flinging him onto the table, a crack being heard from the table.

She let her wolf peek through her eyelashes as she looked at them and growled. Power surging throughout her body making herself known to the men who kept pushing her comments and opinions down.

Everyone stopped and looked down at the winded beta. Xavier letting out a smirk and short chuckle under his breath. He knew she'd make her presence known.

She flicked one of the loose strands behind her ear.

"You males need to get a grip, and stop bickering like little girls over a doll.

Sorry, but not sorry to burst your bubble. Vampires are not extinct. To be expected it's hard to eliminate such a pest. This world is huge and there are many possibilities that vampires could have migrated to different continents. Some of them could have been shipped to Australia when it was founded.

Do you really think our ancestors would've been able to terminate them all when back in the 1700's and early 1800's they only knew so little information with what they had.

Honestly, look how many of us there are in total, as well as other supernaturals existing."

Everyone stayed quiet, meanwhile others agreed with the many possibilities.

End of flashback.

The bell rang, resulting in the training pack members to shift in their beasts form.

Xavier's pack took up Isla's style of training as they believed that they most definitely need to strengthen their wolves more when it comes to a battle.

Xavier and Nathanial looked over different paperwork.

"We need to start gathering more information, or my pack and I are officially screwed." Alpha Nathan slammed down a court order. In the new year he will have to go to court. One of his top warriors being suspected as the murderer on the basis that his DNA was found on two of the bodies.

"I told you to be careful, along with your pack wolves. It is our job to perceive ourselves as normal human beings to the outside world and not risk exposure." Xavier growled out.

"Maybe we will be up against a shitty lawyer and we will be able to win." Nathan sighed and scrunched up his face as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Shit." Xavier looked through the paper work more.

"What now?" Nathan groaned.

"Arabella Johnson" Xavier gritted.

"Johnson?" Nathan questioned.

Isla let out a sigh before rising up from her position, and going through the sliding door. She walked through and went into their bedroom. She opened up her top draw and lifted up a plank. A folder was hidden underneath.

She pulled out multiple pictures of a girl.

One of the photos she found from the vampires lair.

"What got you mixed up with the wrong species Arabella Johnson?" She pondered.
Before placing the folder back into the slot.

Darkness covering the folder, hiding from anyone else.

© 2019 Emily. Rose. All Rights Reserved

I have several chapters of the next book ready to be published. This last part introduces the two main characters that will be the leads in book 2. Don't worry, you will see more of Isla and Xavier in the NEXT BOOK as well!

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