Chapter IX: Memories

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A/N: Not edited.

"Isla stop running around in the field so much honey you're going to get sick" I giggled that my short little legs as a 7 year old could get me so far. That even my beautiful mother couldn't keep up. Her auburn hair was moving along with the gentle breeze of the summer. Her pregnant belly starting to expose itself.

"How do you even enjoy playing in these fields, young girl? They are so dry and very dangerous. You might not be able to see snakes slivering along the tall grass. If you were any smaller, I wouldn't be able to see you too." she laughed out.

"Mama, I don't feel too good anymore." I whimpered. She held the back of her hand to my forehead before leaning forward and resting hers on mine.

"Oh Isla, you've caught a fever from the heat again. Have you been drinking plenty of water playing outside?"

"No mama."

"And why not sweetie?"

"Because it has no taste mama, how do you drink something so bland?" I poked my tongue out.

"Oh sweetie, you're tastebuds will change and eventually as you get older I feel like you'll like your veggies and water better. I know your wolf will love it too. Well maybe not the veggies but she's going to get tired and dehydrated without any water when she's running around in the forest." I couldn't wait to get my wolf and to feel what it would feel like with the wind blowing through my fur. I was told the experience was like a life changing outer body experience. You're able to connect with the earth, with your paws digging into soil. I wanted to experience it, but the normal shifting age was 16 for girls and 17 for males.

My mother lifted me up carrying me to bed.
My father followed in asking what happened, his protective behaviour kicking into over drive.

"Oh calm down big boy, she's only got a fever from running around in the heat all day. I'll make sure she has plenty of water to rehydrate and rest." She placed her hand on my forehead, a cooling effect came through the wet cloth which was once warm. Staring into her eyes I saw the red flecks that dotted in her brown irises. She pecked my fathers lips. I hope my mate was going to treat me the way my mama and father loved each other.

"The first three states names, each one saying the name of a deceased wolf. The strange part though is that it says death penalty. Murder, rape, child neglect and abuse." Isla flipped the paper over to Xavier.

"Why would they state the deaths of wolves? I know some packs still have the death penalty, my pack being one of them. Does it state which pack ruled the sentence?" Xavier looked at the papers confused, she couldn't help but laugh at the cuteness of it. He furrowed his eyebrows at her reaction, questioning it.

"Sorry that just slipped out of mouth." She smiled before looking over the scripts.
"Two of them occurred on the Greenlands pack territory and the other on the Silver Moon pack. The alphas however did not sentence these wolves to a death penalty. This must have been at the hands of this so called, 'Travelling pack', who decided these deaths".She motioned bunny ear quotes for when she said traveling pack.

"The alphas said the wolves didn't belong to their pack. Apparently they had no scent on them at all. So it wasn't even possible to track any scents that could indicate who killed them." Xavier elaborated, which filled in some of the missing information.

"Alright, I'll start decrypting the other ones. See what's similar and what's different." Xavier nodded his head in agreement. "You sir need to be prepared for any questions I have." She chugged down the glass of water, pouring herself another, hoping this oncoming headache would go away after she rehydrated her needy body.

Alpha Xavier ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora