Chapter VII: Lifeless fire

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A/N:not edited.
A fire can be put out by multiple things. Water. No food. And the most important thing of all, air.

Which is what Isla's supposed to be mate did. He suffocated her like she was a burning fire that was threatening to scorch its surroundings, attack his pack.

He smothered the fire that she felt when he left her in an underground cellular with nothing. He left her with nothing to fuel the fire that she had running in her veins,that craved what the earth produces. Nothing.

When she woke up from her comatose state, Damien the doctor that she had met the day of the shadow packs attacking the rogue base, was standing above her. Eyebrows furrowed, eyes reflecting worry and his Adam's apple bobbling. He was concerned as ever. His sharp light blue eyes and black hair loosely framing his face with the length of his hair being tied in a man bun.

The next day when he returned, one of the nurses called him beta, which is the time that Isla was able to lead what his true position in the pack is. As she kept quiet, she was able to look out the open window, and to see earths goodness. Looking at the windy weather outside, breathing in the fresh air that came through the opening, she was glad to fill her lungs once more. Appreciating every bit and not wanting to waste a minute of it.

Damien told her about how he wanted to pursue being a pack doctor, but ended up being practically forced to become the beta for his cousin.

Although she was no longer in the darkness, her soul felt burnt out. Damien would continue to come in and would try to nurse her back to health, forcing her to swallow soup before providing bigger meals. This is what her male should be doing.

Damien would tell funny stories about him and Xavier, she questioned why he never mentioned stories above the age of 13. But She told herself not to care about him. He doesn't deserve a female like her.

After a week had gone by with trees becoming thinner with the loss of their leaves, she however, unlike the trees, was able to grow thicker as she began to be able to eat by herself, it was slow but it was something.

The hole that Xavier had put her in was only 2 by 2. A small confinement that left her practically immobilised. The second week she was able to walk again, regaining her strength but she was still silent. She was to ensure whether or not she would be able to trust these people around her.

The third week was when he came in.

Well close.

Xavier stood close to the door way but unable to come in. There was nothing reflecting in his eyes and that was the same for Isla. She would give nothing away. This male didn't deserve anything. Only a lifeless look. She didn't challenge him but looked outside. She could feel something prodding throughly in her skull. It was like his wolf was trying to reach out for hers but she wasn't having it. She locked herself away and buried the key with her dirty claws.

There was only one thing that would be able to catch her main focus and that was outside in the woods. The woods was calling to her, along with something else. She heard a screeching sound, and felt her wolf stir a little.

It was Kelly, the red-headed shy girl, became a spit fire as she shot at Isla. She felt like some of her fire spread through her a little, especially when she hugged her, causing her to have to steady herself on the bed. Her wolfs fur stuck up like a static balloon causing friction on someone's hair. She did not like the sudden contact.

"I missed you so much Isla. Oh, I mean alpha" she submitted her neck to Isla showing her wolf that she meant no harm.

"It feels so good to finally have an alpha again and my mate accepted me because I'm in a pack! I am no longer a rogue." Her excitement coming in plentiful waves.

She smelt fresh, a little like a male but mostly, she could smell that she had trademark scent that was her pack.

"That's great news Kelly." She rasped out. Her vocals stinging a little from not being used for a long time. She felt weird using it. It had been quite awhile and she didn't fully realise till using it.

"Finally, she talks, I had a feeling you needed your pack member. She was feeling quite lost whilst you were gone for 6 days in isolation. Luckily, you being an alpha, you will able to survive longer. You were only meant to be there for 3 days but apparently someone wanted to test you and see your strength." Damien coughed the name Xavier under his breath.

She could feel his presence was still around which caused her to turn her head slightly. She heard his wolf growl at the comment. She turned 180 degrees to look back at him.

She wondered where the young boy whom lived to play pranks on everyone went. Who placed a warm bucket of water and placed Damien's hand in the water to see if he would really wet the bed. Would prank call pack members pretending to be certain characters from different movies.

He wasn't the happy warm boy he used to be. At this thought her neutral face faltered with a frown, her eyes threatening to water but she wouldn't let him have this moment. She returned to giving him her infamous deadpan look, whilst he only shown one emotion. Confusion.

She wondered if maybe the mate bond wasn't real, because she should be his weakness yet here he was looking at her like she was a nuisance and was confused to why she was doing what she was. His neck laid bare though, so she knew there wasn't anyone in his life to alter his choices or be in the way of anything.

His usual mask that he wore to hide the truth, fell a little as he watched her. He observed the slow healing scratches that bared on her arms and her neck. He was pissed that he didn't know who the hell this she wolf was and how she held so much authority. The young she wolf that followed her around was losing her sanity in the arms of her mate. She needed her alpha.

Kelly's mate, Jackson, had told him that she had been without an alpha for a few years after experiencing a premature shift and her pack being attacked. She was left with no one to guide her. She needed her alpha now. He couldn't feel this females wolf that his wolf craved, she blocked him completely. He was confused and he hated the uncertainty that followed. He couldn't risk this weakness.

"I will train Kelly, so she will be able to keep control over her wolf" her voice was croaky but nevertheless kept in monotone, "after all she needs her alpha". She sounded venomous for the lost word of her sentence.

He let out a deep humph before walking out of the hospital room and walked into the empty office that held only paper work, pens and a laptop. A mahogany desk and a black chair. The walls were painted black and one of the wooden floorboards would always creak under the weight of a full grown male werewolf.

He returned to looking at the paper work that read 'A Travelling Pack continues to walk through territories, leaving dead bodies behind them and an agitated alpha because they have no scent. The only thing left was a faint smell that leads to no where. Markings would also be left with these symbols being unknown...'

She could be one of them. He couldn't understand how a wolf was able to cover the smell of having a wolf. Nor the fact that she had alpha traits. He thought so much to himself about how so many things pointed her in that direction.

What if she was their Alpha?

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