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These typically start with a girl running late for something and bumping into her lover.

But since this is Gojo Satoru we're talking about, oh he's definitely running.

Running away from the elders.

Eighteen year old Gojo shot them a peace sign before using his Infinity and vanishing into thin air. He only recently learned how broad his technique could be.

The elders nagged him endlessly about how he should train and take on his role as 'tHe mOsT pOwErfUL sOrCerEr' representing the last descendant of the Gojo clan.

But young Satoru had other priorities to take care of.

'Like that famous cheesecake that sells out within minutes' he thought as he quickly rushed, jumping from roof to roof towards his favorite cafe.

He landed on a secluded area a few blocks away as the snowball casually made his way towards the little shop.

The familiar chime of the bell rang as Gojo made his way inside. The smell of freshly baked pastries blessed his nose and made him drool as he literally ran towards the glass where all the pastries were on display.

Meanwhile, another person was drooling from the sight of Gojo's beauty.

The cashier.

It was like a routine for her really, Gojo coming in around late afternoons and buying one of everything in the pastries area, her trying to make up ways of getting Gojo's number.

She remembered one time at her many failed attempts to get Gojo's number was when she made up a fake survey and printed a whole bunch just so it wouldn't seem so obvious. On the top, it specifically said "Contact No." But for some reason, whenever she called the numbers he scribbled down, she was always met with random old people.

She let out a soft sigh as she stared at Gojo and patiently waited for him to order. She gave up trying to catch his number and was content with just seeing him everyday.

"Heya C!" the snowball greeted and flashed her  his famous smile. "Can I order on-"

"One of everything?" she cut him off and smiled.

"C" was the nickname Gojo gave her in short for Cashier Girl. Despite his lack of creativity up there, she still blushed anyway.

"You know it." he smirked.

As she handed him her pastries and said her goodbye, Gojo noticed a crowd full of females following him as he exited the cafe.

"Very flattering ladies, but I have a date with these beauties." he smirked referring to the sweets he just bought.

Boy was that a mistake.

The girls caused an uproar.

"Date with who?!"

"I'm on my knees!"

"Daddy make me ride a wheelchair!"

"Step on me!"

And on queue, it was Gojo's time to run.

It's been a few minutes already and the swarm of females has just been growing even bigger. The snowball just wanted to eat his poor sweets.

Out of desperation he went inside a small store, ran inside one of the fitting rooms and closed it.

He let out a heavy sigh as he heard someone yelp from behind him.

His blue eyes widened as he turned around, seeing a girl with her button up unbuttoned.

"Uhm." she blushed many shades of red.

Binding Vow  𝘨. 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now