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Y/n slowly concentrated her breathing as she was walking on her way to school.

After Gojo had trapped her between his arm on the wall earlier, all she could think about on repeat was Gojo's eyes. They turned two shades darker than their usual hue of blue when the word 'master' escaped her lips. It seemed as if though something wild was going through his mind; it screamed danger for the h/c-nette.

So she did the most logical action.

She pushed him with all her might and ran away.

Now here she is, overthinking about the same situation over and over again.

'I'm such an idiot.'

She mentally face palmed herself. How could she think Gojo, who took his time taking care of her for a month and probably made time for her seeing as he had a whole lot of other things to do, would bring her any harm?

She held the charm he gave her and took a glance at it sighing and decided to clip it on her bag.

Before she could even reach the school gate, her best friend stood there screaming her lungs out.


Her scream caused commotion as everybody present in front of the school gate turned their eyes towards the h/c-nette.

Whispers could be heard left and right about the smart yet dense student that has disappeared for a month.

She blushed at all the attention directed at her.

Her best friend however wasted no time and immediately pulled her inside the school and straight into the girl's bathroom for some privacy.

Her best friend took a deep breath.

"Okay, I have a lot of questions. Can you answer all of them?"

"As long as you don't ask them all at the same time." Y/n answered thoughtfully.

"Okay the priorities..." her best friend trailed off. "Who was the guy that kept picking up your phone?"

"Oh." Y/n blushed just thinking about him then thought about the situation earlier.

This action seemed to ignite her best friend's curiosity to the utmost level.

"Well...he..took care of me when I got injured."

"Hmm. So was he that guy you were supposed to meet up with when you skipped karaoke night?"


"What's his name?"

"Gojo Satoru."

"His name alone screams hotness already Y/n." her best friend spoke in a serious manner which made Y/n give out a heartily laugh.

"Oh hush you! Second question, are you guys dating or?"

Y/n smiled.

"No, we're just friends."

Her best friend deadpanned mentally at the dense female in front of her. She wouldn't believe for a second they were 'just friends' despite all the answers that that Gojo Satoru gave her when she rained Y/n's phone with calls.

She massaged her forehead.

"Why weren't you picking up your phone instead of him?"

"I was bedridden remember? After all the pain I felt, I forgot about society and the memory of me having a phone just completely slipped my mind."

"Okay valid enough." her best friend nodded. "Last question, what in wall maria did you do to get 2 of your ribs shattered?"

Binding Vow  𝘨. 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now