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The day of the school’s founding anniversary was met with clear blue skies. Perfect for a day at the amusement park.
Being surrounded by three people who each sparkled in their own way, my mood was as good as it gets.

I wanted to get on as many rides as possible, so we arrived just before it opened.
The first rides were naturally the famous rollercoasters. You have to get on the most popular ones before the place gets packed, right?
Apparently some rich kids will hire somebody to stand in line for them, but we lined up ourselves.
Getting somebody to line up for you feels kind of unfair, and it would make all the other visitors unhappy, right?
It was tiring standing there the whole time, but if you spend the time chatting, it’s fun too, isn’t it!

Both the middle schoolers and high schoolers at Zui’ran share the same Pivoine, so although they weren’t particularly close, apparently the three of them had spoken a few times before.
Aira-sama was happily listening to Imari-sama talk about high school.
Thank goodness. Since she didn’t know them very well, I was worried about whether Aira-sama would be bored.
If she’s having fun, then I’m happy too.

The other guests lined up occasionally glance our way.
Aahh, I see. They can’t help themselves because these three are so sparkly, right? I know how they feel.
The three being looked at didn’t seem to enjoy it very much. Please just think of it as providing entertainment for everybody else bored in the line, and allow it.
Having a look around, I found that it was mostly groups of friends, but there was the occasional couple too.
From an objective point of view, do we look kind of like a double date?
When Imari-sama and Aira-sama stand next to each other, they look like an attractive couple. Mn mn.
Then what about Oniisama?
A pitiful person who had no girl to bring to the double date, and so brought along his little sister instead?
Oh no! My Oniisama looks like a hopeless case to people!?
My Oniisama is really popular too, okay!? On Valentines Day he got heaps of chocolates too!
He’s not some sad case who has nobody to invite but his sister, okay!

“Reika, are you thinking about something weird again?”

Oniisama looked my way suspiciously.
What on earth could you be speaking of?

I got on the ride together with Aira-sama.
I mean, it’s common sense that the escort for the Rococo Queen has to be a knight, right!
Imari-sama seemed to have complicated feelings about riding together with a guy, but this is natural.
Also, I need to protect Aira-sama from Imari-sama’s charm!
Hm? Am I being a third wheel?

After having a try at all of the rollercoasters, it was about time to head to the less extreme rides, or so I was thinking when shockingly Imari-sama bought us churros!
Food tasting!
I’ve always wanted to go food tasting!

Happy! Yummy!
Tasting foods from stalls and the like would normally be absolutely forbidden as the young lady of the Kisshouin family.
But it’s okay today! Amazing! I’m so glad I came!
Thanks for buying this, Imari-sama.
As expected of a lady killer who understands what a girl wants! An enemy of womankind! It feels like I might accidentally fall for him.

Aahh, I’m so happy. As I was walking about, nomming with a smile, a group of girls called out to Oniisama and Imari-sama.
Apparently they were high school girls from Zui’ran. Since it’s Zui’ran’s founding anniversary, they probably came to play just like us.

“To think that we would meet Momozono-sama and Kisshouin-sama here at the park!”

“Honestly, Imari-sama, you’re here even though you turned us down when we invited you.”

“You know, I saw Kisshouin-sama when I went to watch the match at the kyudo dojo. He was sooo wonderful.”

“My! I saw it too.”

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