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Cream cheese is delicious with honey.
It’s great just to eat it like that but I like to eat it on scones. It’s even more delicious that way.
My family buys high class honey from specialist honey stores without an issue. What a wonderful life.
I wonder which honey I should have today. Maybe the lavender.
I spread it generously on top of my cream cheese and then gobbled it all down with a scone. Wow. This is true bliss.
I’m feeling full with just one. But I’ll have another just to be safe.
Eating it two days in a row has brought about some terrifying consequences though. Weight-wise.
Truly the food of the devil!

Anyway, while I was wallowing in my lack of self-control I received a phone call from Aoi-chan.

“Oniichan is getting weirder and weirder,” she said.

“Ah, the muscley guitarist? Is he still playing every day?”

“He’s singing too now…”

“My my…”

Her voice was grim.

“You know, apparently he started this whole guitar thing after he met somebody he liked. And so he’s going to confess to her with a self-written love song… Every day he submits his own flesh and blood to his horrible love songs. It’s terrible, right? All of my family has been telling him to stop but he doesn’t listen. And oh god, the lyrics.
♫ Ever since meeting you ♫
♫ There’s been a thump thump in my chest ♫
♫ And my heart is light and tender ♫
Who writes crap like that. Some days I feel like I could die from the embarrassment. Whenever Oniichan starts to sing my mum will cover her ears. It’s miserable being his sister.”

A self-made love song? At least it isn’t a poem, I guess.
Sometimes you see people singing and confessing to girls on t.v. but the girls always seem happy enough though. I’d probably run away in embarrassment, personally.
But then it’s usually guys who write love songs and poems, isn’t it. I don’t think a guy would really want to listen to a love song. Maybe that’s why girls make things instead?
Maybe there’s some male-only disease going around that makes them want to spontaneously write stuff like that. Scary… Thank goodness Oniisama never caught it.
Oh, but sometimes Oniisama does play Schubert’s Ständchen (Serenade).

It’s wonderful!
Mn. I guess it’s better to leave song-writing up to the professionals.

“Were somebody to suddenly sing and confess to me I might run from the shock. And what if the girl in question dislikes that sort of thing…”

“Yeah. But apparently the girl he likes is really into music. She likes musicians and that.”


“They takes classes at uni together and he tried his best to get her but it’s been hard. Apparently that was when he turned to song writing…”


Classes at uni together, huh. I forgot he was in university.

“Mari~ Mari~ My beloved Mari~ You have taken me pri-soh-nah~ Good god, I can’t take the idiocy anymore.”

I guess he really doesn’t have any talent. Wow, this might actually be worse than Class Rep’s poem. If Class Rep’s disease gets any worse, do you think he might start breaking into song? Anything but that, Class Rep.
Hm, but Mari…

“Incidentally, might I ask which university he attends?”

Aoi-chan answered with Marin-sensei’s university. Huh, they’re the same grade too.
Wait, no way…

“My tutor is apparently one of your brother’s cohorts. Her type is visual kei musicians too.”


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