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I was led to a twin bedroom suite filled with amenities. I wouldn’t have expected less from a hotel owned by the Kaburagi group.
Unfortunately the fridge had nothing except water and ice thanks to the nature of our visit. It really hit me that I wasn’t going to be eating for a while.
I decided to relax on the sofa for a bit with herbal tea. We were going to meet up with the others later for a walk in the park.

“Say, Okaasama, would Otousama not have been a better choice to bring to a fasting? I do believe that he needs it the most in our family.”

“Your father has work. And fasting would not make him skinnier.”


“More importantly, it seems that Kaburagi-sama is very fond of you, Reika-san,” she commented happily.

…I suppose it might have seemed that way to others.

“As expected of my daughter! You are so terribly cute after all. Of course she thought you were a match for Masaya-san!”

Whoa, whoa, stop that, Okaasama. You just made a leap across the Grand Canyon of logic.

After spending some time getting Okaasama back under control, we went and met up with the others.
The staff led us on a stroll through the huge garden, and the older ladies were apparently still talking about what happened earlier.

“Even Kaburagi-sama approves of Reika-san. Your daughter certainly has a different kind of quality to her.”

“My, ohoho! Ladies, please don’t flatter her so.”

Okaasama sounds arrogant even when she’s turning down praise. I could tell she was in a fantastic mood. As the women continued to pay my mother lip service, suddenly, I remembered that there was one other person here my age. I started feeling a bit bad for Akimi-san.

After that we all headed to the same room and had drinks for dinner. I was still completely hungry… Couldn’t we have at least had seconds? I wasn’t looking forward to repeating that on the next two days.

Next on the itinerary was a massage as the beauty salon. It was actually kind of focused on my midsection. A stomach massage? Uhyahyahyahyahya! It tickles! Gueh!

I woke up the next morning with a sad-looking stomach. Breakfast was in drinkable form again. I want to eat something solid…

There was a pool and gym available for us to use, but I could muster up the energy for a walk at best. How do you expect people to move without food…

As for Okaasama, after our lunchtime drinks she immediately headed back to our room to sleep. I guess she was basically giving up. In her place I went with the madams to do some yoga.

It was easy yoga; simple poses designed around a class to help us relax. I was so hungry though that my stomach kept making embarrassing gurgling sounds.

The housewives around me were happily chatting away. They sure had energy~ Where on earth were they getting that stamina from.

Actually they were so energetic that they started asking me questions like,

“Reika-san, do you have anybody you like?”

“Masaya-san from the Kaburagi family is in your school year, isn’t he?”

“What about Shuusuke-san from the Enjou family?”

“Has your Oniisama decided on a lady yet?”

They sure loved gossipping about the lovelives of the young…

Dinner was in drinkable form yet again. I was sick of this…

The Villainess Reika-samaWhere stories live. Discover now