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Summer Camp's finally here.
I cut down on my luggage quite a bit, but my suitcase was still ready to burst. It's weird to be asking this myself, but what on earth did I bring.
When we arrived at the health resort, it turned out to be on the level of a hotel. Even our rooms were just suites. Rather than a camp, isn't this basically just going on a vacation?
The girl assigned to my room was Nonose Maho-chan from another class. We've basically never spoken, but I wonder if we'll get along. She seems kinda nervous though.
After resting in our room for a while, we had a barbecue in the hotel garden. All of the ingredients were prepared in advance, so all we had to do was roast them and eat.
Since I'm still technically the leader of the girls, I went with Class Rep to check if everyone had cutlery and a drink. But well, there were full-time staff there, so it was just for show.
Still, this is my first time eating barbecue in this life. It's a lot more extravagant than I remember it being though.
Ooh! They have roast corn!

Oh my, but they don't have yakisoba.

I wanted some yaki'ika too.

What a shame.

Since it's a Zui'ran-style barbecue, it feels more like a refined lunch than what I had in mind, but this kind of thing is fun too.
I decided to try casually sitting next to Nonose-san. None of my group came, so today has been a total away game for me.
I'll act low key and mix in with them.

"I never thought that you of all people would be coming, Reika-sama."

"I was surprised too, Reika-sama."

"Truly? But I have always wanted to try it at least once."

"You didn't last year, right?"

Because last year I was stuck in remedial hell.

"Did all of you participate last year as well?"

"This year is my first time."

"This is my second."

Over half of the girls here turned out to be first timers. Thank goodness.

"By the way, tomorrow is going to be hiking. Are you going to be all right, Reika-sama?

Uu-, that's what I'm most worried about. According to the itinerary it's only going to be a two-hour walk, but I wonder if I'll really be able to follow.

"I shall do my best,"

I declared with clenched fists.

After the barbecue was a short ceramics course. I used the manual potters wheel, but mine turned out a little warped. I'm just really no good with my hands, am I. Well, whatever.
Once night fell, after dinner was the fireworks event I'd been waiting for!
Perhaps because watching fireworks isn't something that upper class think is suitable, I've never had a chance all this time.
But just the smell of fireworks really brings summer to mind, doesn't it. Today we only had handheld fireworks, so there was nothing like a rocket firework or one of those dragon things though. When I was a kid, those mouse fireworks really scared me because you could never tell which way they would fly.

Speaking of which, what on earth do people find fun about those snake fireworks. All they do is grow.

I never understood it back then, and I still don't understand it now. The fact that they're still selling them means that people are buying them, right? Hmmm.
Anyway, since Class Rep was playing with hanging sparkler fireworks a little further away, I decided to come closer.

"So you chose hanging sparklers? You would not prefer something flashier?"

"I really like these ones."

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