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Serika-chan contacted me about our outing. I was so looking forward to it!
Actually, being honest with you I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t get invited. But thank goodness. I guess I was just paranoid.
I made sure to mention that I was okay with us using my family’s holiday villa, but in the end we seemed to have decided on another girl’s. Gosh, I was really looking forward to it.

“Kisshouin-san, you seem really happy today,” Umewaka-kun said when I arrived at cram school.

I guess it was showing.

“Yes, some friends of mine have decided on where to stay for our trip.”

“Oooh, good for you! Going to a beach?”

“No, a summer resort.”

“Whoaaa! As expected of an ojousama. You aren’t going to the beach? I thought everyone went to the beach in summer!”

“You may have a point. You like the beach, Umewaka-kun?”

“Yeah! I’m going this year too! Long live babes in bikinis!”

“…I see. You prefer girls with good figures?”

“Yeah, I guess! I mean, the hourglass is a guy’s dream, right? If my Bea-tan was a human girl I’d bet she’d be the coy, sexy, bewitching type! Don’t you think so too, Kisshouin-san?”

“I suppose.”

“I knew it. I wonder if there’s a girl like that out there. A girl like Bea-tan!”

…Aren’t you the one that claimed I was the spitting image of Bea-tan? So it was just the hair? Only the hair was the same? So I’m not coy or sexy or bewitching, huh?

I was going to give him these cute dog-shaped chocolates that I found, but fat chance now.

The silver bone earring glinted in the light as Dog Lover-kun continued to laugh like an idiot.

I was in the bathroom when Bobcut and her friend walked in. As I began talking to Dog Lover-kun more and more, Bobcut’s gaze grew harder and harder. I had been considering staying at this cram school after the summer course ended, so this was becoming a bit of a problem. It was about time that I did something about it.

“Kisshouin-san, you and Umewaka seem to be getting awwwfully close these daaays. You actually don’t talk to anyone except Umewaka-kun.”

Oh boy.

“I am a little shy so I have problems approaching people first. I have actually wanted to talk to all of you more, Moriyama-san.”


Moriyama-san referred to Bobcut.
Bobcut who didn’t seem to believe me at all.
She was casting me a suspicious glance through the reflection of the mirror.

“All of my friends at Zui’ran are female too.”

“Hmmm~ Is that soo~ I was so suure that you had your eye on Umewaka, you know~?”

Wow, that was blunt.

“Certainly not. I already have somebody I like.”

So I’m not your rival, okay?

“Eh-!? Really!? Who, who? Somebody from Zui’ran?”

Bobcut really fell for it.
Who indeed… Who?
Naturally nobody like that existed. I came up with him just now to get her off my case.
But who would be good. If I described somebody I had too much contact with it could have huge potential to backfire on me in the future. Kaburagi and Enjou were completely out of the question, obviously.

The Villainess Reika-samaWhere stories live. Discover now