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I woke up early the next morning and went to school an hour early.

After walking down the empty hallway I glanced into Wakaba-chan's classroom. Good. Nobodywas here yet.

I had already checked in advance which desk was Wakaba-chan's. All that was left now was to hide my letter in it. I then dashed out of the room before anybody caught me!

When I entered my own empty classroom, the elation of accomplishment welled up inside me. Mission complete.

Inside that letter was a list of things to be careful about if you were going to attend Zui'ran. No running outside while wearing our uniform, no napping on the train in our uniforms, avoid running in the hallways, stuff like that. Also other things like no rainboots, no raincoats, fans were fine but only folding fans and not uchiwas, no earmuffs, just as many things like that that I could think of. I mean, I didn't think any high school girl in Tokyo was going to be wearing a raincoat to school, but after remembering the gumboots I realised that it could actually happen one day so I wrote it down anyway.

I also made sure to write down warnings for the Pivoine. Actually, you could say that this was the key focus of my letter. Don't approach the reserved seats, move out of the way for members if they're coming the other way, oh, and when it came to upperclassmen pretty much everybody did that along with a greeting and bow while waiting for them to pass. I even added in little details like which the President's favourite menu items were and that it would be better to avoid ordering those.

I also included a list of every Pivoine member in high and middle school. The little peony badges could be hard to see so it was better to know them by face. I didn't know all of the Petite members myself so I didn't include them. The Petite salon was separate from ours so it would probably be okay. I did note that they sometimes had older siblings in the Pivoine proper though, so it would be better not to make light of them for being little. Of particular note was Yukino-kun in year one who was better to stay away from entirely.

Other advice included a list of names of the more reliable teachers, as well as a list of teachers who were completely in the Pivoine's camp.

The letter also included a warning that if she went looking for ingredients in Zui'ran or if she was feeding a cat or other possible scenarios that she made sure to check her surroundings for possible onlookers first. Of course I couldn't just write 'Be careful while foraging for food!' it would pretty much give me away right off the bat.

Ah, yes. This letter was written anonymously of course. To avoid being identified the envelope was blank and I avoided handwriting as well. For a while I considered using gloves to avoid fingerprints too, but then I remembered that this wasn't a crime or anything so I decided not to bother.

My own safety came first which is why I couldn't just cover for her in public, so the best I could do was help her avoid trouble with this. My apologies.

Just in case, the letter included an afternote that asked her not to show it to anybody else. I'm counting on you, Wakaba-chan. Please don't suddenly go "Huh~? What's this letter here~?" the moment you step into class.

I had come a whole hour early so now that I had delivered the letter there wasn't anything for me to do. What now...

I looked out the window and saw members of the sports club already hard at practice. I never really thought about it.

After thinking about it for a little, if Wakaba-chan came early and saw the letter, with nobody else around I would be outed on the spot. It might be a good idea to find somewhere else to spend the time, at least until more students came. Maybe the salon~?

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