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The next day, I was afraid of going to school.
I was already nervous about people looking at me differently because I unveiled 'Domineering Reika-sama', but I also went and disparaged Kaburagi in the salon, so if that spread I'd be completely isolated.
And as for how angry Kaburagi was... Just imagining it was terrifying!
Looking left and right for any enemy attacks, I carefully entered the classroom.
He wasn't here yet. But I can't let down my guard.

"Good morning, Reika-sama."

"Gokigen'you, Reika-sama."

My friends all greeted me with a smile. What nice smiles. Is it because they got to vent their pent-up feelings?


I sat down at my seat. And then people gathered around me."

"Uhuhu, yesterday was terribly refreshing, wasn't it, Reika-sama."

Serika-chan was wearing a cruel smile.
One of Tsuruhana-san's group was sitting in the corner of the classroom, and when our eyes met by chance, she looked away frightened.
Uh oh. Did I threaten them too much?

"Say, everybody. Those girls seem to be reflecting already, so let us not continue this. I have already forgiven them."

"Eh, but,"

"I do not think that Kaburagi-sama would look well upon us girls being so vicious to each other."

Everyone looked like they realised some shocking revelation.
Well, it's not really something I should be saying after picking a fight with him though.

"If you say so, then..."

After giving each other a look, everybody nodded. Thank goodness. Kaburagi is incredibly effective, isn't he. On the other hand, I can only imagine how quickly they'll abandon me if they know I became Kaburagi's enemy.

"Kyah! It's Emperor and Enjou-sama!"


Kaburagi, and for some reason Enjou as well, suddenly entered the classroom. Oh crap, are they here to announce my death sentence!? Are they here to take me to the guillotine!?
My heart pounded as I waited for the enemy's move. Geh-! He's coming this way!
The girls sitting around me displayed some unwanted consideration and parted left and right. Kaburagi was right in front of my eyes now.
M-, My stomach...
Suddenly, his fist smacked down on my head.



"We're even now."

As I was cradling my head and moaning, Kaburagi left those words before heading back to his seat.


"Aahh, sorry about that, Kisshouin-san. I kiiinda have something to talk to you about. Are you free?"

All of my followers started kicking up a fuss again. Ah, deja vu.
But it was impossible to refuse this time. I want a peaceful school life.
My friends seemed to be having another terrible misunderstanding, because I was seen off under their envious gazes. As I rubbed my head, I was once again taken to that staircase.
Scary... Is this guy my executioner!?

"Is your head okay? He really shouldn't have hit you. But well, at least that's his way of apologising."


You apologise by punching people in the head?

"We had a good talk after you left, yesterday. We realised that we were being kind of irresponsible, and reflected on it. But Masaya's just stubborn, so he couldn't bring himself to apologise honestly. That's why he said stuff about being even instead."

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