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Today, my hair was curled extra perfectly. Last night I used a sheet mask that cost as much as 10,000 Yen per sheet, so my skin was soft and glossy too.
My appearance was completely faultless today!
After washing down my stomach medicine with some water, I took out my favourite fan from my chest of drawers. It's been getting warm recently, so I don't think it looks unnatural.
It's a dainty and beautiful European folding fan with butterfly-pattern black ribs, wrapped in violet and wine red leaves of a flower design. A perfect prop for my battle.
I grasped it tightly in my hand.
I am an actress, I am an actress... An actress! Actress! Actress!
Sally forth! To the frontlines!

The issue is when to take action. I'd like to avoid doing it during breaktime because of all the people here.
I guess there's no option except after school. They don't usually leave right after class, so I guess that's my chance.
I hope it goes well.

"What a lovely fan, Reika-sama."

"Thank you. I very much like it too."

I fiddled with the folding fan in my hand.
When our eyes met, Tsuruhana-san snorted again as well, today.
I can't delay things any longer. I need to settle this before any more white hairs appear.
I waited impatiently for school to end. And I had plenty of stomach medicine to accompany me while I did.

Since it's scary by myself, I think I'll have Serika-chan and Kikuno-chan flank me.

After a long time, school finally ended.

With fan in hand, I left my seat.

"Serika-san, could you accompany me for a little while? I was thinking of having a word with Tsuruhana-san and her friends."

Serika-chan's eyes glinted with a sharp light.
She began texting for her best friend Kikuno-chan. Serika-chan was thirstier for blood than I was.
The other girls began gathering around us too.

"Well then, shall we go?"

When I curled my lips upwards, everyone gave a cold smile to match.

When we left our classroom, it didn't take long to find her. She was coming our way, surrounded by her gyarus.
All the students who planned on leaving early had left, leaving us a hallway devoid of others.
As I continued to open and close my fan, my eyes met with Tsuruhana-san's.

"You're in my way, Kisshouin-san. Mind moving?"

Tsuruhana-san gave me a challenging smile, and her followers all started to snicker too.
The girls around me immediately seethed with malice.
Shutting my fan with a snap, I said,

"Tsuruhana-san. Who exactly do you think you are speaking to?"


Taking a step forward, I continued.

"Say, Tsuruhana-san. When on earth did you gain the right to speak to me in such a manner? A normal student like you, to a Pivoine member like me."

I pointed my fan at her and suddenly glared dangerously.
I could see the confidence in her eyes shake.

"It appears that the Pivoine's influence has dwindled quite a bit. It surely has, has it not? For a person like you to take this attitude with me."

I drew closer.

"Oh. Or were you perhaps instead implying that the Tsuruhana family is even greater than the Kisshouin family? I had no idea. I never knew that my Kisshouin family had grown inferior to the Tsuruhana.
But it seems that you at least, see it that way, correct?
Or is that how the entire Tsuruhana family sees it? That the Kisshouin family is one to make light of, that is.
If that is the case, I must really have a word with my father. It seems like we will have a lot to 'deal with'."

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