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Return of the Shadow

I gazed at him, he was wearing his usual cravat and a dark green coat. He flicked his hair a bit away from his eye and glanced at me.

"What are you doing here Levi?" I said before I drank my glass of vodka. I honestly wasn't expecting to ran in to any member of the Survey corps, except for my friends whom I can't get rid of, obviously.

"What you're the only one who's allowed to get a drink?" He said as the barman brought him his glass. I expect him to be somewhere doing missions but, I guess Erwin gave the whole survey corps a day off.

We both drank in silence, it was really quiet but I liked it.

"I'm sorry to hear about your suspension."He said in a low tone. I didn't reply and just took another shot. I signalled the barman for more.

"But I want you to know, we do appreciate all your help. You were astonishing back there." He said before drinking his whiskey.

I gazed at him with a tiny grin. "Look at you admiring me again." I said teasingly as I pinched his cheek.

"We were finally having a real conversation and you go doing that again." He said in annoyance, rolling his eyes at me. I just laughed looking at his face, I really like it when he gets pissed.

"Anyway, I'm sorry about Erwin. He just want what's best for you." He said and focused on his drink.

I furrowed my brows and looked at him. "How is a suspension best for me?" I said in irritation.

Levi realizes what he said and immediately took it back. "Nothing. It's just that, you've always been helping us even if you're not in the survey corps. Why?" He changes the topic, but I decided to go with it. I'm not really in the mood to talk about Erwin.

I unknowingly gazed at my friends on the other table, they were having fun, talking and eating. Just by looking at them gives me peace.

"I see. It's because of them." I heard Levi said as he also watches the idiots fight each other over the last piece of beef, obviously Sasha won.

"I'm older than all of them, so eversince we were cadets, I kind of had this need to protect those idiots." I said then I remembered the time when Shadis made Sasha and I run laps on the first day, I never showed it but, I was worried when she collapsed on the ground.

"I'd kill anyone that tries to harm them. And It doesn't matter what regiment I am in." I said before taking another shot. Levi glances at me.

"Seems hard core," He said as he ordered another glass. "And what if a titan kills one of them. How exactly are you gonna avenge them?"

I avoided his gaze and turned to the idiots on the other table. "Then I'll join the survey corps."

Levi shook his head towards my direction in slight disbelief of what he heard and put down his drink.

"If I knew that, I would've killed one of them long ago."I immediately glared at him.

"I'm kidding." Levi said with a slight chuckle. I didn't know he was capable of doing that.

"You know, if I hadn't been to the military police, I would've joined the survey corps. "I said and ordered another round.

"Yeah? I could still remember convincing you to join back then, and also the time when you pointed a blade on my neck." He said while reminiscing the first time we've talked.

"Hey I apologised for that." I defended. He just chuckled in return, his laugh seemed like a silent music for my ears, I surely don't hear that everyday.

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