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"That's a nasty cut." Sasha says as she cleans my bullet wounds. I tried to ignore the pain by focusing on another things. It barely worked. I closed my eyes, and breathed deeply.

We got to the cabin after the Reeves decided to talk and Levi was in the dungeon with Hanji torturing some guy. I wasn't bothered by the screams but, Armin and the others surely are.

"It starts again..." I heard Armin say. Sasha finally wrapped a clean bandage on my torso. I mouthed a thank you to her, and she smiles back.

"We're criminals now." Armin says,  he lowers his head down. "Except for you Raven. You've always been a criminal." Everyone eyed him, including me.

"No offense." He says.

"None taken." I shrugged. I let out a deep sigh. "You guys shouldn't dwell on it too much you know." I said freely.

They all looked at me with a confused face. "How? I mean, don't you hear the agonizing screams?" Connie asked.

"I do. What I'm talking about is that you guys shouldn'--"

My sentence was cut off when Levi walks in the room, all eyes fixates on him.

"So, did he talk?" I asked and leaned against the table. Levi shakes his head. "I was hoping you would give it a try." He said.

An unexpected smile smears across my face. "I thought you'd never ask." I said in excitement as I went to the door.

"Am I do only one who was scared by that?" I heard Armin say.

"I don't get how he lost most his nails yet he still doesn't talk." Levi said in a bit distressed tine as we walked down the hall.

"You know, I've encountered cases like this when I'm torturing a criminal back in the MP." I said. He turns his head to my direction.

"So what did you do if they choose not to talk?" He asked curiously.

"I manipulate them into talking." I said.

"Right. I forgot how good you are at that." Levi said. I squinted at him, does he have a hidden grudge at me?

"No offense. "He added. I sighed in relief.

"Alright, none taken." I shrugged and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him. It was a script.

"What's this?"

"Make the other perp say this in front of his door. Just incase my method won't crack him." I said and made my way down in the dungeon without waiting for his reply.

"Raven! Great, you're here. I heard you're good at this stuff." Hanji says and began wiping their hands clean.

"Don't worry Hanji, I got from here. Take a break." I said as I made my way to look at the tools, and smiled.

Hanji and Moblit made their way out, it was only me and the guy tied up on the chair left.

"They didn't succeed in making me talk, and neither will you." He gritted his blooded teeth.

"Oh please, I'm not here to make you talk." I said playfully and decided which tool to use.

"Y-you're not??" He asked, his tone fills with confusion and relief.

"Nope." I said and picked up a long thin needle and a knife.

"I'm here for my own amusement."

The Murderess | Levi x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu