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"Is this the last of it?" I asked Nate as I finally signed the last of the paperwork, making sure I'm done.

"Yes ma'am," He answered. I sighed in relief and stretched my back. Damn, it's still sore after being thrown out of my horse.

"Do you want some coffee Captain--" He was cut off when Carter busted inside my office.

"I brought you some coffee captain." He sang and placed a cup of coffee on my desk, Nate glares at him after beating him to it. I looked at them weirdly and was about to say something when the door opened, again.

"Captain, I made muffins especially for you." Clair sang the same tone as Carter and placed a plate with three muffins on the table. I gazed at it and saw a folded hidden note, she always does that.

"Kiss ass." Nate glared at Carter and Clair.

"Okay what the hell is going on? What's all these?" I asked and gestured on the food. All three of them smiled cheekily.

"We just missed you Captain." Nate says.

"Yeah, the station was never the same without you." Carter added.

"And we're really glad you're back from your suspension." Clair says. I intertwined my fingers and rested my chin there, looking at them suspiciously.

"Alright you three morons clearly did something stupid. What is it," I said with a threatening tone but all of them just giggled. As if they were already used to my stern persona.

"We're telling the truth! We really missed you for real." Carter says with a huge smile on his face.

I grinned while trying to fight off the smile that wants to come out. "Fine, leave the food and get the hell out of my office." I ordered.

They all said 'Yes Captain' in unison as marched the way out.

"Best Captain ever." I heard Nate say to Carter as he closed the door behind him. I finally smiled and looked at the snacks they've prepared for me. I think they wanted to do this the first day I came back but, I was too busy. And they knew I don't like getting interrupted when I'm busy.

After a long battle of solving active cases, I decided to take a break. I took my jacket and got out of the office for a long walk.

"You going somewhere Captain? Do you need us to come with you?" Carter asked as I got to the door.

"No. I just need a fresh air." I said and didn't bother to wait for a reply. I wore my jacket as I walked around the market, then I saw the newspaper stand where I always go.

I bought one and started to read it, most of it was still about the Shadow cases, the stations still have no leads on who it was or why she's doing this. I smiled victoriously.

I was too busy with my thoughts but then I heard some random officers talking that intrigued me.

"No kidding, is that serious?"

"Positve! There was a hostage incident inside the survey corps, I heard it was supposed to be a kidnapping situation but things got escalated quickly."

"Oh no, really? Who was it?"

"I think it was that blonde girl and the titan shifter. I can't remember their names."

The Murderess | Levi x OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora