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The Return

Tanya crouched on top of the tower, the scene of the headquarters are clear to her sight. The harsh wind blew her dark purple cape, she let the cold breeze hit her body, nothing bothered her. Not her stitches, not her eye patch, and more importantly, not those people lurking inside the building.

Tonight is very important to her. It's about time she them all make pay, starting with the military police, and if the odds are in her favor, the survey corps too.

The person in the red cloak landed on top of the tower and stood beside her.

"All are in place. Bombs will go off in five minutes." Alexis informed her with a smile on her face. Tanya kept a stern look but inside, she's satisfied.

"And Hanji?" Tanya asked, confirming if Alexis did what exactly what she told.

"Knocked out and taken to a safe place just like you said." Alexis says while fiddling her fingers. Tanya sure does have a soft spot for them sure, but only Hanji. Since they're not part of any of this, she'll spare them.

"Good." Only thing Tanya said. Alexis noticed the look on Tanya's face, she clearly is determined to take them all down and she doesn't know what to feel about that.

Though what she thinks doesn't matter.  All she cares about is Tanya, so if this makes her happy then she'll be glad to be a part of it.

A few days ago...

"I guess there's no need to keep this from both of you." He started while he faced the sisters who sat infront of him.

Alexis had her usual smile even though she is not pleased about him being back, Tanya kept her gaze plain and cold while looking at him, even though her anger is boiling inside of her, she can't make a move. Not yet. Preston Karpov is strong and smart, and her hand is not yet fully healed so that would be a liability. She's trying so hard not to give in to her temptation murder the man on the spot, Tanya knew, she needs to be patient.

Preston noticed her looking a bit well now, the bandages on her arms and face is gone but there were still thin bandage tapes on her wrist down to her fingers. There's also a remaining scar over her left eye caused by Zackley, and now she was forced to wear an eyepatch.

"You're pausing a bit long.....sir." Alexis pointed out with a slight chuckle while the two kept a stern expression.

"The devil's lair was a success, thankfully. But our mission is far from over." He continued while the two listened.

"You see, your mother spent her living days taking lives of the abuser of power, she wanted to make the walls a better place, and she did that by sacrificing her own soul in order cleanse the world from all these criminals."

Preston took a mug form the side of the table. "And we're going to fulfill her dream."

Tanya looks at him while clenching hee fist. How can he act like he doesn't even care that he took away her memories, how can he act like nothing happened. And cleansing the walls? Maybe if she was still that nine year old kid who knew nothing except for following orders would be able to do that. But not this time. Tanya already learned how to move on her own, and there's no way she's going back to that.

Alexis glanced at her sister for a moment. "I'm all for it if Tanya is too." She smiled. Preston gave her a nod before looking back at Tanya who was glaring at him wit her one good eye.

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