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Where your loyalty lies

"Raven, don't you think you should sit this one out?" Hanji ask when they saw Raven strapping on her gear.

"Why would I." Raven's cold voice echoes through the room as she prepared her blades.

"I'm gonna make that bastard pay for what he did." She said stoically.

Levi could sense the anger the girl was feeling. He knows that it's because of her mother, and what Kenny did to her.

"But Raven, you're still pretty injured. You have two bullet holes, one stab wound, and you fought a lot back in the capital." Hanji's voice was filled with concern.

Raven didn't budge. "That doesn't bother me." She says as she placed her spare gun on her thigh.

"Alright. Sir, we're ready to go." Armin says once he finished preparing the equipments needed for the attack.

"Are we?" Levi says, turning a few heads from his squad. "Are you all prepared to get your hands dirty too?" He asked. None of them answered, until Raven spoke.

"You don't have a choice." She says, not looking at anyone at this point. Everyone's attention turns to her, expecting her to give some valuable advice.

"It's kill or be killed out there." Raven says in a serious tone as she pulled her hood, covering covering her head. She knew, that a lot of people will die as soon as she puts this on.

Raven kicked the door open, Jean and Connie started to roll the barrels down the stairs. Sasha came in with a flaming arrow and shot them, it exploded, creating a thick smoke. That's when Levi, Mikasa and Raven started to attack.

The enemy was taken by surprise because of the tactic. But what really shocked them was a familiar dark purple hood that increased their fear.

"The shadow is here!" One the men yells, alarming his whole squad.

"What the fuck is she doing with them?!"

"Don't get distracted! Focus on the mission!" The blonde girl yells but she couldn't easily ignore. The Shadow was the most wanted person in all three walls, how could they just ignore something like this?

Raven rampaged through the enemy lines, killing everyone on sight. Slashing through their stomach then their necks. She moved at a quick pace, killing much more men in return.

Hanji, Sasha and the others were quick to notice Raven's attacks. They were shocked, she didn't even hesitate. The look in Raven's eyes was  scarier than before. Some of the enemy were even trying to get away from Raven but none of them managed to escape her wrath.

Then they remembered, Raven specialises on killing people, this shouldn't be a surprise to them.

"Shit! Get away from me you--"One of the men yells when he caught a glimpse of the Shadow but he didn't manage to reach the end of his sentence, Raven immediately slashed his throat. Deep enough that his head could've been cut off.

She stopped on a pillar trying to see where her target was, but he wasn't on sight. She jumped off, managed to dodge all the bullets that came after her and attacked the enemy who fired the shots. Stabbing two people at once with her blade and flew off.


Raven heard where that came from. He's here. She thought. The rush of adrenaline and excitement courses through her veins as she hunted for the man. Then, she saw him, hooked on one of the pillars. Raven flew in a quick pace. He'll try to get into Levi's head.

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