First Day at Beacon

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(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): *groans* Stupid clock. *reaches around* Shut up. *finally turns off alarm* *YAWN*

      I sit up and stretch then look around and see the room I'm in and remember what's happened over the past couple of days. I try to get out of bed but the room I'm boarding in is a little, crowded. I grab a change of clothes and go to fhe bathroom and clear my Water Types from the bathtub and start a shower. I get dressed into my very uncomfortable school uniform and walk out, I come face to face with Aggron, who has a curious expression.

(Y/n): What's up, buddy?

Aggron: *inquisitive* Aggron?

(Y/n): You want to check this place too?

Aggron: *nods* Gron.

      Aggron and I have always been closer than others, it has saved my hide on countless occassions, we've grown so close that we can use Mega Evolution without a Mega Stone.

(Y/n): Oh alright. But watch where you step, this is a new place we don't know how everything works yet.

      I get everybodies breakfast ready then Aggron picks up my books and we head to our first class which is, somewhere.

(Y/n): Hmm. *sees a student* Excuse me gentlemen, I'm looking for Grimm biology could you- *as he's ignored* I guess not.

Blake: I figured I'd find you lost.

(Y/n): *turns around surprised* Whoa! Blake?!

Blake: Sorry. *stifles a giggle*

(Y/n): Finally a friendly face. Do you know where a Professor Port's classroom is?

Blake: Yeah, it's my first class too. Follow me.

       Aggron and I follow Blake to class and I take a seat next to her while Aggron sits on the floor.

Yang: *awe* Wow, which Poke'mon is that?

(Y/n): Well, I could tell you, or you could use this. *pulls out four Poke'Dex's*

Ruby: *amazed* Whoa! *takes one*

Weiss: What are these? *as she takes one*

(Y/n): On my world, they're called a Poke'Dex. Just point it towards a Poke'mon, the Dex will search for it and then tell you what it is and some facts about it. Go ahead try it.

Weiss: *points Poke'Dex at Aggron* Oh, it's on.

Poke'Dex: Aggron, the Iron Armor Poke'mon, a Steel and Rock Type. Aggron claims an entire mountain as it's home where it searches for iron to eat. It's strong enough to destroy the firmest of bedrock.

RWBY: *disbelief* Whoa.

(Y/n): Aggron is a really good friend, it's never failed to win battles or defend others.

Blake: No kidding, Aggron saved us from that falling shipping container by catching it.

Ruby: *eyes widen with fascination* Wow! So, strong.

Port: Good morning class!

     We all ready ourselves, and I pull out a notebook and pencil, but as class goes on I realize that this teacher is not teaching anything relevant and just tells stories till the end of class. Aggron and I walk out with Team RWBY and through the halls.

Blake: Told you, you didn't need that notebook.

(Y/n): Wow, I've had more amazing adventures than anything he described.

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