Poke'mon Training

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(Y/n) POV

     I have been helping Team RWBY care for their new Poke'mon, firstly to create a bond with them.

Ruby: How do we do that?

(Y/n): Well, how do you bond with a new pet?

Ruby: I like to play with them. I think I'll try that. Come on, Fenris.

Fenris: *playful* Hound!

Fenris leaves with Ruby.

Weiss: Well, I've never had a pet, and admittadly, I'm not good at making friends.

Yang: You seem to get along with us fine.

Weiss: Yeah now, but at the beginning I was acting like a spoiled princess.

Yang: Sometimes you still do, Ice Queen.

Weiss: Yang!

(Y/n): *chuckles* Okay, okay. Yang, why don't you and Scorchimp hit the training room for a bit. I think it might give him some inspiration.

Yang: Right. Ready Scorchimp?

Scorchimp: *agreed* Chimchar.

Weiss: I think, I'm going to start with going for a walk with Snowflake.

(Y/n): A great place to start. I am going to train with some of my Poke'mon.

Blake: I think I'll join you, if that's okay?

(Y/n): Sure.

Blake and Spooky follow me and Sylveon to the greenhouse and I select the Poke'mon training today, until-

Blake: Do you think you could teach me and Spooky?

(Y/n): How to battle?

Blake nods her head nervously.

(Y/n): Alright, uhm, Heracross. Why don't you help us out.

The massive beetle-like Poke'mon lumbers over and takes a solid stance.

Blake: *disbelief* Whoa. *pulls out Poke'Dex*

Poke'Dex: Heracross, the Single Horn Poke'mon. A Bug and Fighting type. With it's herculean strength, it can throw objects 100 times heavier than they are.

(Y/n): For a Bug type, my Heracross is resistant to a lot of attacks thanks to it's hardened exoskeleton, so he'll be a good sparring sponge. Spooky can attack with everything he's got and it won't damage Heracross.

After Blake figures out what moves Spooky actually knows, we start training.

(Y/n): Remember, build trust with your Poke'mon partner. You call the shots, Purrloin will learn what they mean.

Blake: *deep breath* Now, Spooky, use Scratch!

Spooky: *aggressive* Purr! *uses Scratch*

(Y/n): Just take whatever Spooky throws at you.

Heracross: *affirmative* Heracro.

As Spooky attacks from multiple directions, it isn't doing any damage to Heracross. Even though this was just battle training, Spooky was getting upset that Heracross wasn't even feeling it's attacks. After an hour, Blake stops Spooky because he's exhausted, but Spooky is a little down.

Blake: *kneels down and pets Spooky* Hey, it's alright. You did good for your first time, Heracross just has years of experience and has grown strong through training. You'll be that strong one day, I know it.

Spooky: *curious* Purr?

Heracross: *reassuring*

Heracross then surprised Spooky by slurping on the top of his head, Spooky then slashed at Heracross's face to get him to stop, this caused Blake and I to laugh.

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