The Turning Point

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3rd Person POV

Weiss and the rest of the Huntsmen and Huntresses are barely holding their ground against both the Grimm and Atlesian military robots. Velvet has finally used her Semblance to help take out several Altesian Paladins, but was knocked back by a one armed Paladin.

Coco: Velvet!

Coco and several other students open fire upon the Paladin to keep it away from Velvet, but it isn't detered. Weiss watches exhausted as the Paladin raises it's fist to crush Velvet.

Weiss: No!

Weiss finds the strength to get up and rushes towards Velvet, as she does a white glyph appears behind her, but Weiss refocues and gets between Velvet and the Paladin. She raises her sword in a defensive position and closes her eyes waiting for the hit, but it never comes and she peeks up and sees a white, almost ice made armored arm, weilding a sword had appeared from the glyph and blocked the attack easily. The arm then lifts the sword up and slices down onto the Paladin, cutting it in half. Weiss was astonished that she's finally able to summon as the arm and sword disappear. The group takes a chance to breath for a few seconds, until rapid, heavy footsteps are heard getting closer. The group looks and sees another Atlesian Paladin round the corner, Sun then groans and says.

Sun: You have got to be kidding me!

The Paladin charges at the exhausted group, but as it does, it suddenly loses all power, drops to the ground and skids to a stop in front of the group. Weiss looks around and sees the other Atlesian robots drop to the ground, she them looks up at the Battleship and smiles weakly.

Weiss: Nice job, Ruby. *breath of exhaustion*

On said Battleship, Ruby is seen lowering her rifle as the camera rises above the main console engulfed in flames. The ship shakes a bit and Ruby looks at Fenris as she sheathes her weapon.

Ruby: Let's rejoin the others on the ground, girl.

Fenris: *agreement* Hound.

Cinder watches arrogantly from the top of Beacon Tower.

Cinder: A minor victory, but ultimately meaningless. Beacon will fall tonight.

The view then changes to (Y/n) on Charizard's back, he sees the Battleship going down and smirks.

(Y/n): Good job, friends. Now let's finish our job. *pats Charizard's neck* Ready?

Charizard: *agreement*

(Y/n) looks back as Lunala dodges another fire breath attack from the Wyvern Grimm.

(Y/n): Alright, Lunala! Let's end this! *raises arm with Z-Ring*

Lunala looks and nods, it then dodges another diving attack from the Wyvern Grimm and rises into the air to a position where the moon is shown behind it. (Y/n) starts the necessary Z-Pose as he proclaims...

(Y/n): Lunala! Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom!

Lunala: *powers up move* *screeches*

(Y/n): At full power! Now!

Lunala first opens a wormhole, causing the Wyvern to be sucked into it. Lunala follows and the two come out the other side and Lunala uses all it's power to conjure six energy beams. One by one, all the energy beams converge into one super laser aimed at the Wyvern Grimm. The beam hits the Grimm dead center of it's chest and vaporizes it. Lunala returns to (Y/n) at the end of it's move and screeches in victory.

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