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3rd Person POV

(Y/n) is sitting on a balcony thinking to himself about what happened during the doubles round.

(Y/n): *to himself* Mewtwo said someone was trying to make us see illusions, but I don't know of a Semblance that can do that. I wonder if Ozpin has the visiting student files?

(Y/n) passes by his dorm and grabs his Lucario as he walks to the elevator that leads to Ozpin's office. Ozpin's voice is heard as the elevator reaches the top.

Ozpin: *voice-over* Come in.

(Y/n) walks in and asks...

(Y/n): Professor, you have files on the students visiting for the Vytal Festival right?

Ozpin: Yes, but-

(Y/n): Something is happening and I need to know what, who and why. Hand them over, please.

Lucario: *low growl*

Ozpin wants to protest, but ultimately just sighs and steps aside, (Y/n) grabs all the file boxes, one for each kingdom and starts heading back to his dorm. As he walks down the halls, he accidently bumps into someone due to the file boxes blocking his vision.

(Y/n): Oh goodness! I'm so sorry! *sets boxes down* Are you alright...?!

He looks and sees Cinder sitting on the ground, (Y/n) snaps back to reality and pushes his feelings aside, he reaches out his hand and helps her to her feet.

(Y/n): Are you okay?

Cinder: Yes, no harm done. *stands up* Thanks. *sees boxes* Studying?

(Y/n): Oh, yeah. Gotta keep up on my classes if I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.

Cinder: An admirable goal, but are you sure these teachers are to be trusted?

(Y/n): I don't see why not? I mean they have more life experience than any of us. Being powerful isn't the best way to gain respect, being a kind and caring leader is the best any of us can do.

Cinder: *playing understanding* I suppose that makes sense. Thanks for the insight. *playfully teasing* See you around, Beast Tamer~

Cinder walks away but grows a scowl on her face when her back turns to (Y/n), she didn't believe a word he said.

Cinder: *thinks to herself* Utter nonsense! Power is the only law. And soon, all the power will be mine!

(Y/n) had returned to his dorm and started going through boxes while also listening to Yang's one v one match against Mercury get underway.

Port: *voice-over* If you're just joining us, the match between Yang Xiao Long of Beacon's team RWBY and Haven Academy's Mercury Black is already well underway, and Mercury is clearly overwhelming Ms. Xiao Long.

(Y/n): *to himself* You can do it, Firecracker.

(Y/n) watches the fight and sees something oddly familiar about how Yang is reacting to some of Mercury's attacks, he then looks for Mercury's personnel file.

(Y/n): I wonder...

In the arena, Yang has finally unleashed her Semblance and Mercury seemed to stop trying as he gets beaten down easily by her. With just a few powerful punches to his face and then a final gut punch, Yangs destroys Mecury's Aura and he collapses to the ground. The crowd cheers as Yang pumps her fist in victory.

Yang: Better luck next time. *starts to walk away*

Mercury: There won't be a next time, Blondie.

By the time Yang turns around at the sound of Mercury's yell, he was already in the middle of a flying sidekick. Yang was quick to defend herself and simply punched his leg down, sending Mercury crashing into the ground with a broken leg. The crowd suddenly gasped in shock and fright, Yang grew even more confused as she was surrounded by Atlas soldiers. She looked at the jumbo screen and finally saw why, the footage shows her attacking Mercury while he was still kneeled on the ground, defenseless.

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