The Final Battle

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3rd Person POV

Blake: *distorted* (Y/n)! Charizard!

The scene of the Beacon courtyard is obscured by dust from the explosion of the tower and the fallout afterwards. The scene changes to a close up view of (Y/n)'s face as he starts regaining consiousness. The scene flashes to a zoomed out view as (Y/n) looks around and his senses come back. (Y/n) feels a hot breathing above his head and looks up, his vision focuses and he can see Charizard breathing heavily.

(Y/n): Ch....Charizard. You okay?

Charizard's Aura flashes across his body, indicating it's broken, his eye finally open and Charizard wearily looks down at (Y/n).

Charizard: *weak growl*

(Y/n): Y...Yeah... I'm okay, bud.

The smoke finally settles as both (Y/n) and Charizard slowly rise to their hands and knees, a concerned voice is heard approaching.

Blake: (Y/n)! Charizard!

(Y/n) wearily looks up and sees Blake running to him, she falls to her knees as she gets close and places a hand on his shoulder.

Blake: Are you okay?

(Y/n): I...Yeah, I think so.

Blake starts helping (Y/n) to his feet and puts his left arm around her shoulder. The other members of Team RWBY help Charizard.

Ruby: Let's check you out, Charizard.

Ruby and Weiss look over Charizard and are surprised.

Weiss: No major damage, your Aura must've taken the brunt of the damage.

Charizard shakes his body to get some leftover debris off and flares his wings. Suddenly, there is an explosion and Cinder is seen pulling herself out of the rubble her Aura also heavily damaged, but not quite broken. She manages to pull herself together and looks at (Y/n) growing very angry.

Cinder: You thought you could stop what I've started! Ozpin is dead, Beacon Tower has fallen!

(Y/n): And yet, we Huntsmen and Huntresses are still united.

Cinder has had enough and uses her fire powers to launch herself forward at (Y/n), Blake readied herself and held onto (Y/n), but Charizard used a Flame Charge and tackled Cinder away.

(Y/n): Charizard!

Cinder yelled in rage as she blasted Charizard off her, Charizard managed to land on his feet in front of (Y/n). (Y/n) started to stand on his own and asked.

(Y/n): Charizard?

Charizard looks at him with a determined expression in his eyes, (Y/n) seemed to understand that he wanted to keep fighting. Charizard looked back at Cinder as she stood up and readied some fireballs in her hands.

(Y/n): Okay then, Charizard, use Dragon Claw!

Charizard: *ROARS*

Charizard flaps his wings three times to launch himself at Cinder. She threw a fire bloom at Charizard, which he easily dodged. Charizard closed the distance and used Dragon Claw and slashed Cinder's chest. She reeled back a little in pain, she quickly recovered though and lit fire in her hands again then some fire from her feet to fly herself at Charizard.

(Y/n): Dodge it!

Charizard flapped his wings and flew up to avoid Cinder's fire fist attack, Cinder went after him again and again, and both times Charizard dodged. He lands in front of (Y/n) as he says.

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