Poke'mon Eggs and Blake's Dilemma

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(Y/n) POV

     I am walking towards the ballroom carrying a surprise for Team RWBY, team RWBY is organizing the Vytal Dance coming up soon, but since the original organizers, Team CFVY, is away on mission still, RWBY was asked to take over. I walk in and see only Ruby, Weiss and Yang, the latter of which is arguing with Weiss about doilies and fog machines.

(Y/n): Hello, friends! Girls and Ice Queen.

Weiss: Why does everyone keep calling me that?

Yang: Whatcha got there, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Well, a surprise for all of you.

     I remove the blanket to reveal the surprise.

Yang: *amazed* Whoa!

Ruby: Aw, cute.

Weiss: What are they?

(Y/n): These, are Poke'mon Eggs. I found them a few days ago in the greenhouse. So I thought, instead of me hatching and raising them, why not let my best friends raise their own Poke'mon.

Ruby: Really?! Oh, which one should I pick?!

Weiss: Do you know what kind of Poke'mon will hatch from them?

(Y/n): You can't tell by looking at them. You'll just have to wait until they hatch to find out. I'll keep them in these containers for protection during transport. Your Poke'Dex can also help give you some tips about caring for your egg.

Weiss: *blush* Thank you. This is really sweet of you.

Ruby: *tackles (Y/n)* Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! *turns back to the eggs* I choose this one.

Yang: I think I'll go with this one.

Weiss: I like this one. *touches egg* *slight gasp in amazement* It's warm and you can feel the baby moving.

(Y/n): You girls know where Blake is?

Ruby: Probably in the library, again.

Weiss: She isn't sleeping, she hardly eats and her grades are slipping too. If this keeps up-

(Y/n): Alright, I need to talk to her. Come on, Eevee.

Eevee: *affirmative* Eevee.

       I leave with the final egg and Eevee hops on my shoulder, and we head towards the library. I see Blake looking at a computer screen reading, something, I don't know.

(Y/n): *whispers* Man, she can barely keep her eyes open. *pulls out Poke'ball* Joltik, I choose you.

Joltik: *appears on (Y/n)'s hand* Joltik.

(Y/n): *whisper* I need you to short out Blake's computer and get her to follow you back here.

Joltik: *affirmative* Jolt.

       Joltik quietly sneaks over to the terminal Blake is using and starts draining the electricity coming from it, the screen goes black and Blake looks under her desk and sees Joltik running from the desk, Blake follows like a good kitty and runs into me.

(Y/n): Hi.

Blake: *annoyed sigh* What do you want (Y/n)?

(Y/n): We need to talk, now.

      I grab Blake and sling her over my shoulder and carry her to a currently unoccupied classroom, Blake tried her hardest to escape but her hits weren't hurting me even without my Aura active. I set Blake down and she goes to punch me and I simply catch her fist as she starts yelling at me.

Blake: (Y/n), what the hell are you doing?!

(Y/n): Trying to help stop you from making a potentially fatal mistake.

Blake: The fatal mistake is not trying to stop the White Fang!

(Y/n): Okay, say you figure out what the White Fang is planning, then what?

Blake: I'll stop them!

(Y/n): You couldn't stop a fly in your current condition.

Blake: But I can't stop. The White Fang will kill everyone that stands against them!

(Y/n): I didn't say to stop, just slow down. You will kill yourself before you can see this through, then nobody will be safe.

Blake: You wouldn't know anything about what we're facing.

(Y/n): You think I don't know what it's like to live with regret? You think I don't know what it's like to live in fear of the decisions I make? Everyday I look in the mirror and ask myself, "what if I did this?", "What if I did that?". But you can't let those fears control you, it will only kill you if you let it.

Blake: How do you know what regret feels like?

      I hesitate to answer because the memory was so hurtful, I took a seat on the teacher's desk and decided to relive those memories all over again.

(Y/n): *saddened sigh* My Poke'mon and I were roped into saving my world many times, but one time, the evil organization, Team Rocket, had taken over a power plant, they had hostages and were trying to connect the power cables to their own electrical grid. My Poke'mon and I stumbled upon their operation but we quickly turned the tables on Team Rocket. After fighting our way through level after level, we had managed to rescue the hostages, but after so much fighting, my Poke'mon couldn't keep it up any longer. Despite that I urged them to keep trying but it was too much and Team Rocket got away, their mission a success.

Blake: *understanding* (Y/n).

(Y/n): My arrogance and stubborness made me blind to my Poke'mon's conditions and we lost. The bad guys won, they eventually went on to spread their influence across their country, all because I didn't want to slow down.

      I felt Blake lay her head against my shoulder and I could hear her crying softly.

Blake: I'm sorry, I never should've assumed-

(Y/n): I'm from a different world and don't have the same threats you do, but we sure have the same experiences in life.

Eevee: *touches Blake's shin with her paw* *affectionate* Eevee?

Blake: *looks at Eevee* I'm sorry, I won't do anything like that again.

     Suddenly, Eevee starts evolving right in front of us, this surprises both of us.

Blake: W-What's happening?

(Y/n): Eevee's evolving. Evolution is a phenomenon where a poke'mon reaches a certain skill level or touches a certain stone, changes into another Poke'mon.

Eevee finishes evolving into-

Sylveon: *affectionate* Sylveon.

(Y/n): *amazed* Wow, Eevee's now a Sylveon.

Blake: *disbelief* Sylveon? *pulls out Poke'Dex*

Poke'Dex: Sylveon, the Intertwining Poke'mon. A Fairy type. Sylveon affectionately wraps it's ribbon like feelers around it's trainers arms as they walk together.

Blake: *disbelief* Amazing. *yawns*

(Y/n): Come on, let's get you to bed little lady. Oh, one last thing- *hears Blake's light snoring* Alright then.

     I gently maneuver Blake so I can carry her bridal style while Eev- I mean, Sylveon, carries Blake's Poke'mon egg back to her dorm room. I lay Blake down gently and remove her shoes before covering her with the blanket, Sylveon set Blake's egg on her book shelf and we quietly snuck out.

(Y/n): Now, what do you say about using some elbow grease and get this dance ready?

Sylveon: *excited* Sylveon!

(Y/n): Let's go!

(A/N): With unwavering commitment to help your friends, you've managed to help Blake through her anxiety and paranoia. On top of that, Eevee has evolved into Sylveon, whatever adventures await our heroes they will certainly be stronger now than ever when the time comes, as the journey continues.....

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