The Battle for Beacon

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(Y/n) POV

Even though Team RWBY and I are holding back the Grimm, just, the Atlas drone forces have suddenly turned against us.

Yang: Did Ironwood forget who's side he's on?!

Weiss: No, something is wrong!

Ruby: Either way, we can't fight both the Grimm and Atlas at the same time.

Jaune: You won't have to!

I turn around and see Team JNPR, SSSN, CFVY, Penny and various other Huntsman and Huntresses.

Coco: Let's show these baddies what real Huntsmen look like.

Everyone: *Warcry*

Everyone rallies and charge into the fight. But there's still another problem.

Blake: What are we gonna do against the dragon Grimm?

(Y/n): *determined* Leave that one to me.

Blake: What? (Y/n), I know you're strong but even you and Charizard are outmatched against that thing.

(Y/n): *grabs Beast Ball* I had someone else in mind. It is time, Lunala, I choose you! *tosses ball into air*

Lunala: *appears from Beast Ball* ..... *opens it's eyes* *Screeches loudly*

Lunala looks down at me and I point to the Wyvern Grimm.

(Y/n): That's our target! Hold nothing back!

Lunala: *Screeches*

Lunala takes off after the Wyvern Grimm, I then beckon Charizard to me.

Blake: What are you doing?

(Y/n): I need to guide Lunala through this fight, I'm going after it.

I could tell Blake didn't like it, but she gave me a quick kiss on the lips and smiles hopefully.

Blake: Go get 'em.

I nod and hop on Charizard's back, and we fly after Lunala, who has already tackled the Wyvern Grimm and slammed it into the cliffside.

(Y/n): Lunala draws it's power from the moon, at least it'll be at it's strongest tonight.

3rd Person POV

Back on the ground, Ruby looks around and sees everyone struggling against the combined might of the Grimm and the Atlas military drones. Penny is seen swinging her Floating Array at various Grimm, Ruby then gets an idea.

Ruby: Penny!

Penny looks down at Ruby and flies to her.

Ruby: Do you know where the commands for the Atlas military robots are?

Penny: They come from General Ironwood's flagship.

Ruby: Which one is that?

Penny looks around in the sky and points out the biggest ship in the Atlas fleet.

Penny: That one.

Ruby: Hmm, can you get me up there?

Weiss: Ruby?

Ruby: Someone has obviously taken control of the Atlas robots and turned them against us, if I can take out the flagship all the robots stop dead in their tracks.

Weiss: Just be careful. *to herself* Don't wanna lose the only BFF I've ever had.

Ruby: I heard that.

Weiss: Shut up and go!

Ruby recalls Fenris to her Poke'ball, Penny then picks Ruby up and carries her up to the Atlas flagship while avoiding Griffon Grimm.

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