Rocking Kalos

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3rd Person POV

(Y/n), Alain, Ash and Malva are still reeling at Lysandre seemingly falling to his death.

(Y/n): I can't figure out why, for the life of me.

Everyone remains quiet until Ash's phone is heard ringing, he pulls it out and answers it.

Serena: *over phone* Ash?

Ash: Serena, where are you guys now?

Serena: We're at Lysandre Labs. And we just rescued Chespie. Professor Sycamore, Steven, Ruby and Weiss are with us at the lab as well.

(Y/n) walks over and talks into the speaker phone.

(Y/n): Ruby? Weiss? You doing okay?

Ruby: Yup.

Weiss: We're holding our own here.

(Y/n): Good, Blake will hurt me if anything happened to you.

Alain came up next and asked.

Alain: Mairin! Are you there?!

Mairin: I'm here. With Chespie. Are you okay, Alain?

Alain: I'm fine. How are you?

Mairin: I'm okay. Chespie's safe, too!

Ash: *to Alain* That's great news.

Serena: Ash, what's your location?

Ash: We're at the top of Prisim Tower.

Serena: Could I ask you to go to the gym? It's Clemont...

Ash grows a worried expression, but back at Lysandre Labs Ruby and Weiss' group have reached a labratory with a giant rock in the middle that is glowing in many colors. Steven is seen typing on the keyboard on a console.

Serena: What are you doing?

Steven: I'm finding out what kind of research was being conducted here.

Weiss then takes the initiative and starts typing on another console keyboard while Ruby watches.

Weiss: Hmm, that's strange.

Sycamore: What is it?

Before Weiss can answer, the room suddenly shakes and the giant rock turns red. Chespie also turns red but doesn't wake up.

Serena: What's happening?

The glass surrounding the giant rock shatters, and everyone takes cover from the glass. Mairin suddenly feels Chespie being pulled from her arms by an invisible force.

Mairin: No! *strains* Chespie!

Chespie is pulled from Mairin's grip and float towards the rock, it is then absorbed by it. Mairin tries to approach the rock, but Ruby stops her.

Mairin: Chespie!

Ruby: Mairin wait! It's dangerous!

Something starts to form around the giant rock and Ruby tries to pull Mairin away.

Ruby: Mairin please!

Mairin: Chespie! No!

Ruby: We can't do anything for Chespie if we get trapped here! I'm sorry.

Ruby uses her Semblance on everyone and carries them outside the facility. Everyone looks back as the entire Lab collapses and more red vines appear from the rubble as well as a giant figure takes shape obscured by the dust.

Mairin: *saddened* Chespie.

Serena: Professor, what's happening?

Sycamore: I honestly have no idea. Is the giant rock involved?

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