Chapter 5

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Hey check out the song on the side. I absolutly love it!! <3

Also if you hit the external link it's basically a picture of Haruhi and Harou. just picture Harou with more casual dark colored clothes. and his glasses are black.

‘Damn it Haruhi!! I bet you left so you didn’t have to do any work!!’ I cried in frustration as I stood in what I once thought was an abandoned music room. Turns out I was completely wrong and the third music room was where the Host club held their meetings. And with my blessings from god I was lucky enough to be stuck as the host’s dog because one of the host’s decided to make me mad and punch them in the face, thus breaking a super expensive vase that I could never pay for. Even with my years’ worth of savings.

I stood against one of the massive windows in the music room, just waiting for orders from the hosts. From where I sat I watched the hosts do their thing. They made many girls squeal and I think I head a thump here or there from falling girls. ‘My god.’ I think to myself, ‘what do these guys do?’ I looked over at Tamaki and saw he was flirting very openly with the many girls that sat around him.

“I baked you a cake today.” A girl confessed to Tamaki, “Will you have a piece?” she asked

‘That’s sweet of her.’ I thought sarcastically to myself as I observed Tamaki’s work a little while longer.

What Tamaki did next made my view of him drop to the bottom of the barrel. Tamaki brought his face very close to the girl who baked the cake and said seductively, “If you feed it to me.”

My face was wiped clean of any emotion, ‘sick bastard.’ I thought bluntly.

Tamaki seemed too had heard my cruel comment as a gigantic arrow stabbed though his chest.

“Master Tamaki!” a girl cried worried about the blonde ditz,

 “Are you okay?” another asked.

The girls kept fawning over Tamaki as I walked past the blonde and went to see what the twins where doing. Of course they weren’t much better than Tamaki… as I neared the twins I heard part of their conversation.

“How could you tell that story in front of everyone?” Kaoru asked his older brother as tears pricked his eyes.

“Sorry Kaoru…” Hikaru said gripping his brother’s chin, “You’re just so adorable when you’re pitiful…” Hikaru brought his brothers face I little to close than I should have been and girls broke into cries of delight.

My eyes started twitching as I walked up to Kyoya, continuing to clench and un-clench my shaking hands. “Are they always like this?” I ask quivering slightly.

“Yes, but we simply use our skills to meet our customer’s needs...” Kyoya said pushing up his glasses, “Tamaki by the way is our number one draw.”

“What?” I asked, as I looked at Kyoya’s list and saw seventy percent of the clients booked Tamaki over everyone else.

“Yes. Anyway Harou you’ll handle basic chores for a while.”

“Huh?” I asked looking up at Kyoya because he was so much taller than me.

“You can refuse, of course, and leave… but my family’s reach is long and wide.” Kyoya continued an evil smile upon his face, “You have a passport, I trust.”

A sweat drop rolled down the side of my head as I chuckled awkwardly, “I wouldn’t think of leaving.” I nervously wave my hand in front of my face.

“That’s right Fujioka!”  A familiar happy voice said as the came up and blew on the back of my neck,

“Eyah!!” I shout as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

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