Chapter 4

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As I sit on the plush couch I give the blonde ‘king’ a dead expression, vacant of any emotions. “When do I begin?” I asked once again

Out of nowhere the blonde burst into tears, “Mommy!” he cried clinging to glasses tightly looking at me with a douse of fear

“What is it Tamaki?” glasses asked in an annoyed voice.

“He made a scary face!” the boy now dubbed Tamaki cried pointing his wavering finger towards my face.

“Milord! He didn’t do anything!” the twins said in unison leaning into my face, which was still blank. So my brownish red eyes met the twins golden orbs.

“Hey,” the twin with the softer voice said, “Your eyes, they’re so pretty.”

The twin’s comment made my eyes snap wide, shock visible on my face.

“Hey what’s wrong with you?” the other twin asked.

I try to push away my shock, breaking eye contact with the twins I mutter, “Sorry, just no one’s ever said that they liked my eyes before.”

“Really?” both twins asked in confusion.


“Hey, Harou.” Haruhi cut in, “Are you okay with this? Being the host clubs ‘dog’ I mean.”

I send Haruhi a bland look before sighing, and ignoring the fact that the hosts could hear my every word, “Haruhi, there NO way I’ll enjoy this, but I’ll learn to deal with it.” ‘Just like with everything else’ I add silently.

Haruhi sighed and clasped one of her small hands on my shoulder and smiled, “At least you won’t be alone! I’ll help you.”

I shake my head and red clashed with brown, “No Haruhi I already told you that you would do no such thing. You wanted to study and become a lawyer, just like mom. So I’m not going to keep you from reaching your dream because I got mixed up with this club. I mean you can visit if you want but you’re not staying here.” I place my hands on Haruhi’s that were currently sitting on my shoulders, “Please Haruhi…”

Haruhi gave me a look which I didn’t understand. It wasn’t hurt, or sorrow, yet it wasn’t happy either. “Harou… What about you? You and your dream? You came to this school for its Arts programs.”

I just gave Haruhi a pained look. “That doesn’t matter; I just want the best for you.”

“No,” she said stubbornly, “I won’t leave you here, you always do this. You push me away when I want to help you. This time I’m not leaving.”

“I don’t care.” I said through clenched teeth. I turn towards the host who gave me strange looks. I huff and cross my arms giving them a bored stare, “So what do you want me to do?”

 Glasses smirked, “Well Harou, we should introduce ourselves first. My name is Kyoya; the blonde you punched earlier is Tamaki. The twins are Hikaru and Kaoru. Hikaru’s hair is parted to the right, while Karou’s is towards the left. Then we have Hunny-sempai, and Mori-sempai.”

“Right…” I muttered scratching the back of my head, “So do you want me to introduce myself?”

“Sure.” Tamaki said with a smile, still clinging to Kyoya.

I sigh at his abundant energy, “My name is Harou Fujioka. Haruhi is my younger twin. Is that fine?” I asked the hosts, who all nodded their head. “Now what do I do?” I questioned the hosts just referring to myself, not including Haruhi.

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