Chapter 12

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Limss 12

Hey guys just wanted to say this is a filler chapter and is not super eventful, but I hope you will read, leave a comment and so forth. Also I’m saying this now. the chapter's kinda bi-polarish... not sure what to call it. but please enjoy!

Harou wakes to the sound of Knocking on his door. “Harou, are you up?” Haruhi asked standing outside the door.

Harou pushed himself off his bed and instantly felt sick. Pulling his bleach white sheet around him to cover his scared body, “Haruhi,” Harou’s voice was very strained and raspy, “I’m not going to school today.”

Haruhi slowly opened her brother’s door and stepped inside, “What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned for her brother’s health.

“I just don’t feel well. My stomach seems to be eating itself”

Haruhi frowned and placed the back of her left hand on Harou’s forehead then her right hand on her own. “Hmm… You don’t have a serious fever, but you’re warmer than usual. I’ll tell the hosts you aren’t coming. And get some rest, you have the dance tomorrow.”

‘Don’t remind me’ Harou thought bitterly, slumping down on his bed, curling into a ball.

Haruhi smiled sadly at her sick brother and left the room to inform her father of how Harou felt. Walking into the kitchen Haruhi saw her father making two cups of coffee. One for himself and one for Harou

“Dad,” Haruhi called catching her father’s attention

“Oh Haruhi, where’s Harou?” Ranka, Harou and Haruhi’s father asked.

“He’s still in bed. Harou’s not feeling well so you don’t have to make him a cup of coffee. It’d get cold by the time he wakes.”

“Oh…” Ranka said placing a brown coffee mug back in the cupboard above the skin, “Is he okay? Does he need a doctor?”

Haruhi shook her head and fiddled with the skirt of her dress, “No, he just needs rest. I must say, yesterday he didn’t look too good but he told me he just wanted to be alone”

Ranka nodded his had before walking down the hall, “Harou,” Ranka called knocking softly on the door.

“Yeah?” the sick teen asked from his room

“Can I come in?”


Ranka opened Harou’s door and saw his son curled up into a ball with his sheet wrapped around him. The older man walked over to the bed and put a hand on Harou’s shoulder. “Are you okay?” Ranka asked Harou, worry evident in his voice.

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