Chapter 3

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We left off with Haruhi and I walking into a room that had six beautiful young men inside. I glanced over at Haruhi only to see that she’s having a breaking down, “Men- good looking men! Oh gosh…”

“Haruhi? Are you okay?” I ask in shock at my sister’s sudden change in emotion, and of course Haruhi didn’t answer me because she was hyperventilating.

“It’s two guys!!” I hear a set of voices say in unison. I look at the guys and see the boy who helped me earlier sitting in a chair with five other boys around him. One of the males was the Blondie’s friend who he was talking to earlier. With the two boys I met there were two other boys with orange spikey hair. One boy had his bangs parted to the right and the other to the left.

‘Hey, those two are in my class! What’s their last name again? Haki- no, Hitachiin? Yeah I think they’re Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin’

I look at the last two boys and see a small blonde boy who doesn’t look old enough to be in high school. While his friend was tall and lean, he had short black hair that was spikey. ‘Who are these guys?’ I ask myself.

I guess the blonde that helped me was talking but all I caught was, “-Host club… Haruhi, and Harou Fujioka, scholarship students! You are rare creatures in this place!” I feel my right eye twitch.

‘HOST CLUB!?’ I whip my head towards Haruhi to see she’s partly recovered, but is still in slight shock.

“Um… I’m- I mean we’re.” Haruhi was cut off by glasses man.

“It’s is my determination that common folk don’t fit easily into our elegant culture…. And that a scholarship student would need a pretty tick skin and mulish stubbornness just to make it though, let alone achieve anything. If no one knows you, it’s an uphill climb to get noticed, know what I mean?” glasses asked smiling.

Haruhi gets a slightly annoyed look on her face, while my lip and eye cannot stop twitching. These guys are irritating me. They’re just like I imagined, stuck up snobs that take some pleasures in others misfortune. My thoughts were cut short when tall Blondie shouted grasping one of my shoulders and one of Haruhi’s, “In short, Fujioka’s, you’re TRAILBLAZERS!!! Top student in your class, yet you’re poorer than a church mouse. Some may class you a weed, or despise your low-class status!!”

I continue clenching and un-clenching my fists ready to kill the man. He fits my image of a stuck up rich ass- AH! Blondie had let go of my shoulder and was now talking nonstop to poor, poor Haruhi. I feel so bad for the woman, sure I got into fights to protect her when I was younger but she’s on her own for this. I hate arrogant snobs!

Blondie keeps talking for a while when something he says catches my ear, “Of course, we heard rumor you’re a man lover…”

“What? Man lover?!” Haruhi and I ask in shock.

Blondie ignored my sister and I, and continues on his rant, “What is your type? Wild man? Boy Lolita? Or…” he pauses for a moment, “Am I more you style?”

That cuts it. I snapped right there, the stupid blonde grasped Haruhi’s chin gently bringing her face Mire inches away from his own.

“Damn ass-hat!” I shouted, completely out of character, ripping Haruhi out of the pervert’s grasp and punched him in the chin, sending him tumbling back… Into a vase and breaking it on impact. My anger steams off and a blank look crosses my face.

“Heheh…” I hear a chuckle from behind me. I turn and see glasses biting on his index finger, “I was wondering when you were going to crack. Harou,”

“Who the hell are you?” I asked glasses back in my uninterested voice.

“Heh, my name is Kyoya Ohtori, and Mr. Fujioka I hope you have $10,000,000.”

What?’ I stumbled back slightly and placed my hand on the side of my head in the shape of a gun, and pulled the imaginary trigger. I collapsed to the hard sparkling ground, ‘$10,000,000? That would clean out all of my savings and then some…’ I cry in my head. Laying on the ground I stare up at the high ceiling trying to keep my unwanted tears away.

“Harou?!” Haruhi asked in total shock, I don’t think she’s al that used to me collapsing

“Kyoya! Look what you did, you killed the poor kid!” the twins shouted, picking me up off the ground before placing me onto one of the many sofas the abandoned music room had lying about.

“Milord, what should we do?” Kaoru asked sitting in front of the couch I was spacing out on.

“Yes, what should we do…”Kyoya muttered, “That vase was supposed to go on auction soon…”

Haruhi stayed quiet and looked at me. She’s never seen me like this before; I was usually so stoic or indifferent. I always kept to myself and when I was younger I would always get into serious fights during school. I always seemed like the outcast of the family, Haruhi was sure that I had hobbies but she knew almost nothing about me.

“Harou…” Haruhi muttered sadly.

“Alright!” Tamaki shouted, catching everyone’s attention, “Since they don’t have the money for the vase Harou will pay with his body. Once he wakes up he shall be the host clubs official dog!”

“What?!” Haruhi shouted, not believing what Tamaki just said, “That’s not even fair! So when he wakes up you’ll just say, ‘Harou today you are our dog!?’”

Tamaki thought for a moment before nodding his head telling her that she was correct

“Harou, I’m so sorry…” Haruhi muttered to me, “Wait!” she said to the host club suddenly having an idea, “Would I be able to help Harou? So he won’t be in this all alone?”

Tamaki and the hosts huddled and starting whispering to each other.

“Should we?”

“Yeah! I’d get my cake quicker!” (Guess who)


“I don‘t know… It might be too much for Harou to do on his own.-”

“Let Haruhi join!”

“You sure?”


The host club dispersed and turned towards Haruhi, “You can help.” They tell the brown haired girl.

“Thank god…” Haruhi sighed, ‘Harou I hope you appreciate this…’

“No!” I shouted breaking from my day dream. I was conscious while the host club was talking of my death, “You can’t let Haruhi do this with me. It’s my fault that Tamaki fell on the vase. I’ll take responsibility- by myself.” The last part of my mini speech was pointed towards Haruhi, knowing that she wanted to help.


“No buts. I’m doing this on my own. I don’t want to be a burden to you.” ‘More than I already am’ my mind silently added, “You came here to study so that’s what you’re going to do, okay? Get great grades and make dad proud”

“Harou… I could help.”

“Yeah, but you won’t. I’m a big boy. I don’t need you to protect me Haruhi. I can’t have you taking my job.” Sighing I tug at the sleeves of my shirt making sure that the ends cover my wrists and turn to the host club, “When do I start?”

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