Chapter 13

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sorry for the uber long delay i hope you enjoy. and please leave a comment to tell me what you think!

“I AM NOT WEARINGING THAT-THAT THING!!!” I shouted absolutely disgusted

“Why not?” The twins questioned, “It’ll look good on you!”

“I do not WANT that to look good on ME!!”

Okay, I’m sure you all must be confused on what’s happening at this moment. Unfortunately for me the only way I can really explain this is by starting from this very morning..

*Earlier today*

I woke up feeling much better than I did yesterday and changed into my Ouran uniform. Walking out of my room, I had my bag in hand as I greeted father pleasantly in the kitchen. “Hi dad,” I smiled slightly as dad handed me my cup of sweetened coffee.

“Hello Harou, you look better.” Dad said, tucking a strand of his red hair behind his ear.

“Thanks dad, do you know if Haruhi is up yet?”

“I believe so. I heard getting around in her in her room.”

I nodded my head and ate a muffin we had in our cupboard as Haruhi walked into the kitchen wearing her oh so beautiful (Note sarcasm) Banana yellow dress. “Took you long enough” I joked, tossing Haruhi a jug of milk and a blueberry muffin, “Here, If we don’t leave now we’ll be late.”

“Are you sick?” Haruhi asked, not used to me acting kind and well, happy.

Frowning I resorted back, “Is it wring for me to be nice and cheerful?”

“No, but it’s weird…”

I sighed ruffling my already messy hair, “I know. I’m trying to be more positive, though I doubt it’ll last…” I quickly pulled dad into a one armed hug and ran out the door with Haruhi in tow.

*At Ouran*

Haruhi had finished her muffin and milk on the train and we were walking to class 1-A. Everything seemed normal until I opened the door and was instantly tackled. I fell on my ass, with four bodies piled on me. “Harou!!” The four people cried together sucking the life out of me, as they cut off my air supply.

‘Okay screw positive!’ I thought burning with anger, “Get the fuck off of me!!” I shouted deafening the people on top of me.

“We’re sorry!” the boys shouted quickly removing themselves from me, allowing me to breathe once more. Looking up I saw Hikaru, Karou, Mitsukuni, and Tamaki sitting beside me, as the two blondes had tears in their eyes.

“Harou, I’m sorry! I hope I didn’t upset you before!!” Hunny sobbed holding my scared hands as I sat on the floor.

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