Chapter 9

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Limss 9

I was sitting with the twin's and their guests.

"Time for the 'which one I Hikaru?' game!" the twins shouted in unison. The twins both had their hair spiked to hide which way their hair was parted.

'This sound really stupid...' I thought bitterly watching the girls around me mutter things like,

"I just can't tell." Or "they're so alike."

"Which would you pick Harou-Sempai?" a girl with blonde hair styled in a bob asked.

I thought for a moment and pointed towards the twin on the right, "On my right is Kaoru, on my left Hikaru!"

"Wrong!!" the twins said in unison, putting their hands together.

I smirked evilly at the twins, "You guys know I'm right. Yes, you're alike, but the same? No way."

The twins remained silent, realizing they were busted

"Oh my, Harou..." the girls said in aw, "You see them not with your eyes, but your soul..."

A sweat drop rolled down the side of my head, 'I can tell them apart cause I have a twin myself, don't they know that?' I looked down at my hand that was still wrapped tightly in a gauze. Right now my cut is beginning to scar, and I'm okay with that. It'll just be adding to the collection.

One of the girls that were sitting beside me looked down at my hand and saw a new band aid on my pointer finger.

"Harou-Sama, your finger... what happened?" the girl asked concerned.

"Oh, it's nothing!" I gave the girl a forced kind smile, "I just had a little kitchen accident..."

"Really? Are you okay?" the girl stressed

"I'm fine." I said reassuring the girl, but truthfully I was thinking, 'I actually cut it on a blade hidden in a textbook...'


I left the host club in a hurry because I forgot my book bag in my math classroom. As I was walking through Ouran's large halls I lose myself in thought, 'harassment?' I asked silently remembering how earlier today I found my English book soaked in water and how someone put a needle in my blazer, pricking me in the back of the neck. 'I don't know if it is harassment I have no proof...' I stopped walking to math and looked out the large windows that lined the hallways.

Outside in the pond my books and bag were floating freely in the cool water. I glare at the water with a great amount of hatred.

No one but Haruhi knew, but I had a serious fear of water. I don't know how to swim, and I hate going to pools or the beach.

When I was younger and still went to my old school we had our swimming unit in gym, and two of the older kids thought it'd be funny to throw me in the deep end of the swimming pool. I didn't know how to swim at the time and everything in the water became demented. Kicking and flailing I tried to swim but I continued to sink deeper.

My chest started to burn and darkness began to shroud my sight. I thought I was going to die right there, but much to my relief the coach noticed my absence and jumped into the pool and saved my life. After that I've been to scared to even attempt swimming. I was mentally sacred since that day, and I doubt I'll ever get rid of this fear.

"Damn person throwing my stuff in water. I have my wallet in there!" I shouted to myself running towards the entrance so I could get my stuff. But with my horrible luck I bump into a girl, "Oh, excuse me..." I say as I begin to walk past,

"Ah, the commoner." I looked at the girl and realized it's the bitch Ayanokoji, "You've shaped up well." The red head continued, "Master Tamaki's done a pretty good job on you. But you might want to fix those shoes and learn to tie a tie." Ayanokoji brushed passed me and walked on her marry way but not before sayings, "Too bad, it's just as the saying goes. Scum will be scum."

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