Halloween with Henry

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Henry sat bolt upright in bed, already looking perfect to me. He stares at me concerned. "What's..."

He dozes off again. I poke him. "What's wrong, bud?"

I let out a huff. "What do mean, what's wrong?! We're losing precious daylight here!"

Henry just pulls me into his lap, resting his chin on my head. "What's...what's so important about today?"

I let out a huff. How could he forget something like this? "Halloween. That's what."

Ever since Henry had told me about this thing they have in the real world called 'holidays' I had been dying (Not literally) To see what all the fuss was about.

And Halloween was the first one I would be celebrating with Henry!

It seemed like the best one, being able to legally scare people for a day, and begging for food was also a plus.

He smiles sleepily. "Oh, yeah, that."

"Ya, know Henry, you're kinda letting me down here, not being excited and all."

He puts me down. "Okay, just give me a second I got to get dressed."

"Why? You look perfectly fine to me."

In the studio he didn't care if his clothes were rumpled or his hair was tussled, but I guess the real world is kinda different.

He yawns. "Thanks Bendy." I smile, the compliment making me feel all warm and fuzzy.

We stood there for a while before, "Aren't you going to get out?"

I blinked. "Do I have to?" He chuckles. "Um...yeah."

My eyes widen in realization as a blush breaks out across my face. "O-oh! Sorry!"

I duck out of the room, and soon Henry's done getting dressed.

He's wearing his normal stuff, which is kinda a disappointment, considering today is a holiday.

"So, what did you have in mind for your first holiday?" He smiles.

I blink. How do you celebrate a holiday?

Apparently I said that aloud, because Henry responds. "Well, we could start with breakfast. Maybe some pancakes?"

A wide grin breaks across my face. "I FUCKING LOVE THOSE THINGS!"

Henry chuckles. "OK. Also, try to keep your language clean. Sammy and Norman are coming over later."

"Sammy? Norman? Henry, today was supposed to be our special day!" I whine, trailing down the stairs behind him.

He sighs. "Look, I know you don't...get along, but it's the least you can do for killing them."

I huff. "I was protecting you!"

He picks me up again. "Yes, I know, and I'm thankful. But you don't need to anymore. They'll only be here for a minute, and then it's just me and you okay?"


Soon the smell of spice and autumn fill the kitchen as Henry finishes making the pancakes. They're shaped like pumpkins and have weird tooth missing smiles.

Another good thing about the real world. Food.

I'm almost done brutally ripping my pancakes to shreds when Henry's doorbell rings, scaring the heck outta me.

I huff, already knowing it's the people who are wrecking my day. "I'll get it."

Opening the door a crack, I peer outside. My former 'prophet' and the projectionest are at the door.

"Whaddya want?" I mumble through the door.

Sammy glares at the door. "To come in. Why do you think we're knocking?"

Norman smiles, grabbing his boyfriend's shoulder. "Sorry. Is Henry here?"

I frown, opening the door all the way. "Yeah."

They step inside and place a basket full of cookies on the counter. I nibble on one of them as they talk to Henry.

I pretend not to notice when they occasionally glance at me. I know what kind of things they say.

Noticing an empty bottle in the basket I pull it out. "What's this for?" Sammy frowns, "What does it say?"

I gaze at the paper. "Beer. 100% alcohol."

Sammy plucks it from my hands. "That's not supposed to be there."

Norman plucks it out of his hands. "Maybe it is."

A small smirk breaks out on his face. "You guys wanna spin the bottle?"

I frown. "What?" And at the same time Henry screeches. "NO!"

Norman smiles. "C'mon, we're all friends! Spin the bottle is basically, you spin a bottle and whoever it points to, you kiss."

A small blush breaks out on my cheeks again, but I brush it off. " 'Kay. I'm in. So is Henry."

Henry frowns, but sits down with the rest of us on the ground. "I guess I'll go first then."

He places the bottle on the ground, and with a flick of his wrist, it's spinning.

I stare at it mesmerized. It's moving so fast it's just a green blur.

Soon it slows, barley missing Norman, then, Sammy...

....And stops...

...Right in front of me.

I stand up and leave the room.

This is a joke. It has to be.

They got my hopes up, and now they're gonna crush them.

Henry looks surprised, but I don't explain. I dash up to his bedroom and close the door.

Burying my head in his pillow I growl. "Stupid Norman. Fuck him."

Hours later, the door slowly creaks open and someone sits on the bed next to me.

"That pillow smell good?" It's Henry.

I sit up wiping inky tears from my eyes. "N-no."

He pulls me onto his lap rubbing circles on my back. "You ok?"

My breath hitches. "W-why aren't you with Norman and S-sammy?"

"They left. Sammy told me about how you feel."

I go rigid. Fuck. Sammy told me he wouldn't tell!

Henry continues. "It was an accident of course. But why didn't you tell me?"

A million answers swarm through my head. Joey said it was disgusting, you don't love me back, you don't have time for me, it would never work, I'm a demon, the list goes on and on.

"I was afraid."

Henry tips my head to look at him. "Don't be."

He's smiling now. "Now, that's settled, so let's go trick or treating."

I grin an idea coming to mind. "Hey, Henry?"


"Trick or treat?"

He frowns. "Wha-?"

"Wrong, both."

Grabbing his shirt collar, I pull his face next to mine, kissing him.

"Happy Halloween Henry!"

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now