Princess and the Frog AU <kinda>

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Henry shrieked as a hand reached out of his shadow and pulled on the cuff of his pants.

"Yeah, hi." a distorted voice echoed around him, seeming to come from every inch of shade in the alleyway.

The shadow hand scrunched the fabric as a skeletal creature pulled itself up his leg. Henry found himself paralyzed as the shadow clawed up him, the inky darkness cutting into him like a knife.

He was unable to move as it hooked two hands under the hem of his vest. "Henry, right?" asked a glowing fanged maw that had melted out of the darkness.

The animator's head nodded in someone else's doing.

The eyeless mouth grinned widely. "Pleasure."

There was a weight to its presence, like a stack of bricks weighing down on him where it met his shirt.

"That Joey guy from earlier, he's your boss, right?"

Henry nodded again despite fighting the unseen force.

A humming emanated from the very walls around him. "Alright Henry, I'm going to make this quick. In the next hour, you, are going to die." the darkness paused, and whether for suspense or to let it sink in, he wasn't sure. "Well, not exactly. See, thing is, I'm actually here to kill you. Buuut, change of plans." it grinned.

"You see how I'm coming out of your shadow? Feel that weight on your neck? Deal is, I'm stuck here. Well, not here, here specifically, but y'know, shadows and the like." It paused again, and he swallowed the knot in his throat.

"Thing is, I want out. You can understand that, can't you?" it didn't wait for an answer as it continued. "Back at the ol' voodoo shack Joey bought some hocus pocus, aka me, to kill someone, aka you. So, we're going to go to your work now and kill him. You think you can handle that?"

Henry grimaced. Joey wanted to kill him? "Sure, I could get us there. But how does that help you? How do I know you're not just going to kill me anyway?"

The horned head made of shadows tipped. "Mm. Ya know, maybe you're not as stupid as you look. Short story shorter, I need souls to become powerful enough to break the shadow man's hold on me."

"And why should I help you?"

"So you don't die. And don't you want revenge on dear old JoJo for wanting your head?"

"And help you kill other people? I'm not—"


The word wouldn't come off his tongue. He suddenly lost all control of his body as the shadow seeped into him.

He could feel another presence in his mind, and it was blocking his control. He spun unnaturally in the alley way and walked back onto the streets of New Orleans.

"That's the spirit Henry!"

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now