4th of July

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It was the 4th of July. Henry's first with the Ink Demon, and hopefully not last. As usual, Henry's family was coming over.

Actually, 'usually' Henry went over to their place, but this year had been anything but usual for the ex-animator.

So, his relatives had begrudgingly settled for hosting it in his upstate New York backyard instead. Still, more than a few grumbles had been heard from ass-hurt grandparents who colorfully voiced their preference of the typical meeting in the downtown Maine beach house his sister owned.

Despite this, a date and time was scheduled, and routes were made. Along with catering and the likes, of course.

By 6 that night his backyard was buzzing with activity. Adults set up while children ran under foot, several of which already chucking their Pop-Its like future NBA all-stars. Teenagers stood intimidatingly against walls, their faces buried in phones. All of which clearly wished to be anywhere else save it be for the kids.

There was only one thing missing— The Ink Demon himself.

Henry picked up a red Solo cup from the table, tapping against it with a plastic spork. Newly burdened with everyone's attention; he cleared his throat. "Hello, hello, hello!" He smiled, trying to ignore the scowls etched on grandparents ' faces.

A few "hello"'s were muttered in return, and the cup was placed back on the table. "I'm not much for public speaking, but I want to thank you all for making the drive, despite the expectations you'd already had for tonight and have abandoned to be here."

A few people nodded, and a; " whatever dork" was yelled, but other than that the gesture went widely unacknowledged.

He grimaced, smiling sheepishly as he went on; "One more thing and I'm out of your hair, I promise. But, has anyone seen my partner?"

Eyebrows raised and people elbowed each other with coy looks. "Henry's gotta girlfriend?" "Who'da thought?" "There's nothing wrong with being single" and "Whatta joker", are some of the nicer responses he got.

His sister stepped forward. Lucy, with her light blonde hair and platinum blue eyes. "Oh, shut up! Let's just find Linda so we can eat, alright?"

Henry tried to smother a grimace with a smile, "Actually, me and Linda broke up. He's-" His sister threw up her arms, blonde curls bouncing on her shoulders. "Whoever she is then."

And they searched. Outside, inside. Upstairs, downstairs. No demon in sight. Until..

"Hemry has a puppy!?" he overhead his youngest nephew shrill illiterately from the porch. Continuing his search in the kitchen pantry, he brushed it off, thinking it must've been one of the neighbors farm dogs over to visit. But then; "You're a... a big puppy..." he trailed off with a gasp.

And absolute silence, as Henry knew from dealing with children, is near the equivalent of a scream.

Stomach dropping, he dashed out of the kitchen, pushing open the front door. "Kid-?" finding the six-year-old knelt down by the side of the porch stairs, he let out a sigh of relief. "Hey bud, what are you up to out here?" he chuckled, rubbing his eyes as he plopped down on the top step.

"Theresa Doggy." The kindergartener smiled, pointing excitedly under the porch. Skeptical, but smiling nonetheless, Henry squatted down next to his nephew for a look. He frowned.

Wire-mesh surrounding the house had been torn open, sharp barbed edges sticking out uselessly. In the past, the barricade had been put in place to keep weasels and other small animals from burrowing under the house and chewing up wiring down there.

Now that it was gaping open, however, hell knows what could've gotten in. Though for now, the gaping hole was empty, the evening light swallowed up in inky black only a few inches in.

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