Hiking the Tetons

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Henry had gotten a week off work. A week of absolute freedom, no tasks, no responsibilities. Only him, a demon, and endless possibilities lying ahead.

So naturally, he packed the car and hit the open road.

All the stuffy office work at the law firm had left him drained, and with the demon nearly off his heat, what better to do than drive down to Wyoming and spend some time in the sun hiking the Grand Tetons?

After a much, much, much too long ride, with far too many complaints from twisted toon and pit stops for nothing in particular but snacks, they, eventually, made it.

Henry nearly cried when he hit the soft sheets of the hotel that night, thanking God he wouldn't have to deal with the monster's incessant; "are we there yet"s for the rest of the week.

Come morning light, Henry woke up, feeling rested and renewed. Fishing his toothbrush out of his bag, he brushed his teeth, and was soon joined by a very groggy ink demon for a shower. Whom, on the other hand, had not had a particularly pleasant night.

As it quite grumpily informed Henry, its body had been throwing it a big, "fuck you for existing," party all night long, complete with balloons and everything. The animator gave it a few compassionate pats, and it grumbled something about a pity party, but returned the gesture.

Showering became a team effort from there, and soon they were both dressed and dried. Or rather, Henry got dressed while the demon blew bubbles by smearing soap over its mouth and exhaling. Coaxing the demon out of the shower, the man dried it with the leaf blower they'd brought from home, effectively turning it into a fluffy monster.

Underneath all of the ink lay a layer of velvety, short black fur, which, when exposed, made the hell cretin look absolutely huggable. Henry fawned teasingly over it while the beast batted him away as they headed down to breakfast in the lodge.

Scarfing down waffles like a starved wolf, the demon nagged impatiently for Henry to finish up with his coffee and French toast already. Eager to get out the door, the second the animator paid, it pulled him back out to the car.

From there it was all but another test of patience as they dealt with another drive. Sooner or later, but definitely later, they reached the national park. There, they had the absolute joy of circling the parking lot until they found a vacant lot.

Apparently, they weren't the only ones to come at 11:00 A.M. Annoyed and exhausted, the demon complained that if he hadn't eaten that damn toast but it instead, they could've made it earlier.

The lighthearted jab was mildly appreciated by Henry, who jokingly agreed, beginning to lose his own patience as well, before they found a parking space, and the hiking commenced. Hiking in the desert sun with a fluff coated creature who typically lived in temperate areas was a minor hitch in their day plans, but a backpack filled to the brim with ice cold ink and plenty of shade trees proved it to be hardly an inconvenience.

Well, hardly, if you don't count the several times it nearly got heat stroke, insisting it was perfectly fine when it visibly wasn't. Other than that, it went off without a hitch as they wandered around the grounds, admiring flowers, the dozens of sparkling fish filled lakes, and shaggy bison from afar.

Sun setting, they began to hike back to the car, the whole time the beast colorfully voicing that if they drove all the way from upstate New York to Wyoming for a big rock, they should've at least climbed it. Bone tired from basic hiking, Henry couldn't exactly say he felt the same about summiting an enormous mountain covered in ice and snow, a trip that could take up to weeks.

Sure, the idea was fun in and of itself, but he didn't think he could take it. Slipping back into the car, and securing his seat belt, Henry took the camera from the demon who was currently doing likewise. Spooling through the photos, he raised an eyebrow, "Why are these all of my hips?"

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