Life For A Life

775 30 17

Requested by: LittleDemon55




The sounds in the hospital whirred around me, but the only important one was the heart monitor.

Linda was dying.

Like, right now.

It sucks. You should be crying.

I see those crocodile tears.

Anyway, it pretty sad.

The door swings open, and a doctor strides in.

"Sir she only has moments to live. I suggest you say your goodbyes before we unplug her life support."

I stand up. "What do you mean 'unplug her life support'?! She's still alive!"

they put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do. She's going to die."

Tears prick in my eyes as I grab my wife's hand. "I am so, so, sorry."

Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, I storm from the room.

The road home is long and hard but eventually I reach the destination.

I fling myself onto the bed.

I'm too numb to cry. Or care.

I just want to lay here and shrivel up.

I sit up suddenly an idea coming to mind.


Pulling an old brown box off of a shelf, I dust it off.

When I was a teenager my best friend got me this box.

Inside there are plenty of things, some of which they claimed could cheat death.

I had never been much on dark things, or religion, but hey, I'm pretty desperate right now.



"This box is filled to the brim with odd items, and not even one claiming they can revive someone?! Hopeless!"

I turn around and bang my head on my bookcase. "HOPELESS!"

"That was dumb.." I mumble rubbing my head.

During my fit, a few books had fallen from the shelf. I bent down and picked them up.

As I placed them back on the shelf a particular book caught my eye.

Most of these books were mine, yet I had never seen this book before.

Ink black and smooth to the touch, the item was odd. Other worldly even.

Thats not what caught my eye though.

A small slip of paper was jammed between the pages, with strange writing stuck out.

Not even bothering to continue cleaning up, I unfolded the paper hopping it was some sort of  note from my passed wife.

It is not.

 English spews from my mouth. "I will sell my soul to hell, if you bring Linda back!"

Suddenly the room goes dark, a chill flowing through the air like a crisp Autumn day.

And I'm falling.


What a shame.

My bones aren't broken.

My eyes slowly crack open to survey the world around me.

It looks old, different.

"I have a feeling we aren't in Kansas anymore Henry." I wisecrack to no one in particular.

And surprisingly, someone answers.

Ha, that was a joke.

Anyhow, I stand up and brush the invisible dirt from my pants.

I stand up.

And I walk down the street.

And that makes me realize...these people..are demons.

I'm in hell.

I stumble backwards and grip against the wall, accidentally bumping into someone.

"Oh, crap sorry!" I grimace.

The moth-like demon turns toward me. "You got a problem buddy?!"

"No no it was a-" Hrk!

The moth has a death like grip on my collar. "Are you sayin' I'm wrong?!"

I silently hold my breath hoping he'll go away.

He does. As soon as a knife goes through his middle, that is.

Moth man colloaspes to the ground.

A demon with some sort of goo running down him now stands in his place.

"Hiya doll." He grins, "Names Ink demon. Nice ta meet ya."

I stand up and shake his hand. "...H-hi."

He continues holding my hand as he drags me down the street.

"I can't believe it worked."

"What? the knife?"

"No," I I guesture to the hell around me. "I wished that my wife would come back to life If I sold my soul to hell, and here I am."

He shakes his head. "Wishes for love always end up bad."

"They forget about you and find another, in a week or two she'll be cheating on you."

"Linda would never do that." I defended.

He rolled his one visible eye. "Whatever. Anyway, lets get some ice cream, I'm starved."

The 'ink demon' got chocolate and I got vanilla.

We sit on the red bar stools out looking a window, on which the other side, someone is getting high.

I stir my ice cream around in its cup.

"Umm...How long you been here?"

The demon glanced away from the window. "Long as I've existed."

I nodded, shoving the vanilla into my mouth.

The flavor was plain, but it being the cheapest thing on the menu, I chose it to be polite.

I glanced over at the demons chocolate.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, rubbing my neck. "Can I..uh..try some of yours...maybe?"

"Sure" He grinned. "Just a sec."

The demon spooned some ice cream into his mouth, and proceeded to kiss me.

There was a brief sweetness before I pulled away gagging.

"You're disgusting!" I laughed, wiping my tongue on my sleeve.

He shrugged, chuckling as well. "Don't mess with a demons ice cream."

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