I Can Be Yours

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My boots clicked against the hardwood floors as I dashed to Henry's office.

"HENRY! HENRY!" I yelped as I stumbled on a loose floor board, before correcting my course.

A smirk crept across my face as I reached for the doorknob. But Susie grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the door.

I huffed in annoyance. "Whaddya you go doin' that for?"

Susie was frowning as well. "Look demon. Henry's in a bit of a rough spot right now. Leave him alone."

"Henry? Rough spot? Doubt it. You're just jealous I have friends and you don't."

The woman ran a hand down her face. "Just...Let him be ok?"

My cheeks puffed out in annoyance. "Fine. I hate you."

Susie gave a rare smile. "Same. Thanks for listening, for once."

I watched as she disappeared down the hallway. I glanced back up at the doorknob when she was out of sight.

What was going on?

I stick out my tongue at the door. "Fuck you! I didn't wanna see Henry, that much anyway.."

I head to the music department to tick Sammy off. Halfway there though I notice that I've passed Joey's office more than 3 times.

Ok. So maybe I am a little concerned about my crushes well being.

Sighing I reach up and open the door. Joey sits behind his desk, loads of paperwork work in front of him.

He doesn't acknowledge my presence. I clear my throat. "Uhh..hey Joey?"

No answer.

I continue anyway. "What's up with Henry?"

"I don't know shit about him." Joey grumbles after an eternity. "Just like how no one will know shit about what happened to you, if you don't get out."

"Jeez. Okay I'm getting out."

Closing the door behind me I go off to ask the other employee's. The answers end up all close to the same.

No one really knows. Not even Wally Franks, who Henry blabs his head off to every day.

Apparently, he just came to work upset about something and everyone's just decided to let him figure it out on his own. Which is a stupid idea.

I frown. "Oh. Okay."

Sammy gives me a concerned look. "Bendy. Henry's not dead. He needs some time to himself, is all. Just leave him alone."

I leave the music department and walk down the hall. The sign looms over my head as I walk into the infirmary.

Crawling under the bed I grab the grate of the vent and start crawling through.

The cool metal feels nice on my hot ink. Despite trying to stay calm I was dripping quite a bit.

After a while I finally reach an vent opening that I recognize from Henry's room.

I just have to make sure he's okay.

Grabbing the vent covering I pull it open and step into the room.

Henry slumped over his desk, his head in his hands. He's making those choking noises people call crying.

I frown. Why is Henry sad?

I quietly approach his desk so I don't startle him. I poke his arm.

"What's wrong?" The man jumps at my voice, looking up.

Seeing me he visibly relaxes. "O-oh. Hey Bendy. How did you get in?"

"How'd you get sad?" I press.

The man lets out a shuddering breath. "Do you know what marriage is?"


"Marriage is when you and someone you love decide to be together forever."

I raise an eyebrow. "Does that make you sad?"

He chuckles. "No. But sometimes when people get married, they decide to split up."

"That's awful! Why do they even get married if they're jus gonna break up?"

"Well sometimes you don't know that'll happen. You think things will get better." Henry explains.

I frown. "It happened to you didn't it?"

Henry sighs. "Yes. My wife filed for divorce. And the case went through."

"Whats a wife?"

"A wife is the name of someone who you get married to." Henry supplies.

"They sounded like a bitch." I growl.

Henry smiles. "She was."

I grin an idea coming to mind. "Hey! I know! I could be your wife! A better non bitchy-er one!"

Silence fills the room.

Did I fuck up...?

Then Henry starts laughing. "Thanks bud. That means a lot to me."

My cheeks puff up. "I'm serious Henry."

He picks me up gently. "I know, I am too."

He plants a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks bud."

My face heats up in a pink blush. "Your welcome. One day we're gonna get married though."

Henry smiles. "I think I'd like that."

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now