A Kid.

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Requested by: Littledemon55

Rolling over in bed a bright light shines into my eyes, waking me up. I sigh sitting up in bed. Bendy is still sleeping next to me, his hand closed around mine.

It's only been half a year since we were married and he's still the sweetest, funniest person I know. I'm really lucky to have him. A future with Linda would've been suffocating.

I quietly slip out of bed and get dressed. Chucking my pajamas into the laundry basket I glance back over at the bed.

He's still unconscious but his hand keeps running up and down where I was sleeping. "Henry?" He mumbles.

My heart is practically melting.

"Hey," I say walking over to the bed, poking him. "I'm right here."

In one swift moment he grabs me and pulls me back under the covers, causing me to yelp in surprise

Ï laugh, pushing the heavy covers off me. "I literally just got dressed, now my hair is all messed up!"

"That just makes you look more sexy." He retorts, fully awake now.

A hard blush breaks out on my cheeks. "N-no it doesn't, just get up. Please."

"Fine." He sits up pulling me onto his broad shoulders, making me shriek. "Put me down!"

He smirks getting out of bed. "No, I don't think I will."

I grab onto his horns for dear life as he crosses the hall into the bathroom. "Please, Bendy we're going to be late!"

He hands me my toothbrush. "For wat? Babe you spit on me, you're dead." He says through a mouthful of toothpaste.

"The police want to meet with us about Joey." I mumble, my mouth also now filled with toothpaste.

"Oh...yeah." I can tell he's not happy about it, yes he wants Joey to be caught, but didn't ever want to see him again.

Handing him down my toothbrush I pat his head. "Hey, It's ok. You'll be fine."

He smirks in the mirror at me, but I can tell he's thankful I brought him to the present.

Turning out of the bathroom, he dashes down the stairs. His hands are on my legs, holding me in place.

He runs over to the couch dumping me onto the cushions. "C'mon Hen, you're gonna make us late!" He teases.

Rolling my eyes I grab my keys and my shoes, pulling them on. Opening the door I walk out to the car, my demon's hand around mine.


After a three hour car drive, we finally arrive at Joey Drew's house.

Several police officers pull out their guns at the sight of a 7 foot demon trailing behind me, but the ink demon seems unbothered by it.

The dead grass makes a sickening crunching sound as I approach the chief. "So...you said there was a new development in Joey's case?"

She nods, then turns to look at me. "What the hell is that?!" she points her gun at Bendy.

The ink demon doesn't even flinch, an ice cold grin on his face. "Don't start a fight you would lose Blue."

"Sorry," I translate "He's my husband, he's just kind of on edge right now."

She looks at me, and then Bendy before putting away his gun. "Sorry about that."

"So the case?" I press, anxious to get this over with.

She nods again. "We found a little girl in the basement. All signs point to her being sexually abused. We were hoping you might be able to identify her."

I felt sick to my stomach, my mind swirling with thoughts. "I-I'll try."

She led us over to a metal trailer before knocking on the door. A little girl about 5 years old opened it.

"Hi." She had coffee with cream complexion, flowing black hair with brown eyes and a timid smile.

I recognized her immediately as Joey's niece, Bella.

A few years ago before I got trapped in the studio, Joey had sent me an email complaining about how he was stuck with the girl after her entire family drowned in a shipwreck.

I told all of this to the police officer and she nodded grimly. "We did a few dna tests and Joey was the only person who showed up."

Bendy looked at the girl with pity and interest. "What's going to happen to her then?"

"She'll go to an orphanage because she has no other living family left."

Me and Bendy exchanged a quick look. "We'll take her."

The police lady was shocked. "Really? I mean it's not that simple, but you could adopt her if that's what you want."

"Clearly we do, we just said so." Bendy sassed.


"You can. We'll sort out the legal stuff later, just go home." Apparently Larry thought it was okay.

Bendy scooped the little girl up who had been excitedly listening to the conversation the whole time.

"C'mon kiddo let's go home." The little girl's eyes lit up. "Really!?"

Bendy smirked. "Us tortured souls have to stick together."

Bendy pulled the door to the car open as I slipped her into her seat and buckled her.

Bella was still gushing excitedly over the adoption. "I used to have a shitty uncle, but now I have two dads!"

"Hey, don't say that it's not very nice!" I scold while Bendy laughs.

"Y'know what kid, I think I' m gonna really like you." Bella beams at the compliment. "Thanks, other one dad!"

Our family is now a little bigger and a little happier.

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now