Yellow, Blood & Sakē

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Ok, so... This is going to be a rather long chapter. Honestly, I didn't want it to be this long, but I didn't want to cut it in half either, so there...


Trigger warning: alcoholism, blood, death

When she went back to the cottage, it was already night time.
Sakura knocked on the door, before entering. Inside, she found her team, as well as Tazuna-san, Tsunami-chan and a small boy (she thinks his name is Inari, but she isn't sure).
All were staring at her. Suddenly feeling a little self conscious, she quikly apologised and sat down on the extra chair.

"Where were you Sakura-chan? We were worried ya know!" Naruto scolded her,while Tsunami nodded and Kakashi stared at her, face (eye?) unreadable.

"I...euh.. I was spending time with a friend?" the girl answered, though it ended up sounding more like a question.
Blushing, she hastily filled her bowl with rice.

"Itadakimasu" Sakura whispered, looking down.

Fortunately for her, before anyone could ask any more questioned, Naruto began rambling about the training, and how he would beat Sasuke.

Hm! Sakura huffed, internally, I doubt the idiot would be able to beat Sasuke-kun at anything!.. Though I have to admit he isn't quite as weak as I first imagined.

Yeah, a small voice sneered in her head, He isn't as weak as YOU!

Oh, shut up will ya! Everyone knows men don't like strong women! Plus, training is a drag!

Yeah, keep giving yourselfexcuses... You need them! YOU. ARE. WEAK. HahahahhahhhahahHAHHahah

The voice cackled, growing louder and louder.

"I'm not hungry anymore" the pink haired girl declared suddenly, "I'm going to my room."

And for the first time since the beginning of the mission, Sakura was pleased she didn't have to share her room with anyone.


When she woke up the next morning, it took Sakura a few minutes to remember where she was.

She curled up, not wanting to leave the comfort of her futon, when she remebered Kaito.

Oh! The boys are probably training in the forest... That means I get to go to town...
I'll be able to play with him again! The kid's so sweet! He doesn't deserve to live here... with his bastard of a father.

Sacura sneered in disgust, the day before, after treating Kaito to dango, she had insisted on escorting back to his house... What she saw there still made her shake with anger.

Sakura had dropped him off at his doorstep, the boy seemed really scared about her being seen and had practically begged her to go away, making her want to stay with him all the more.

Although she had only met him a few hours prior, she already kind of saw him as a little brother, and who could blame her?
The boy was too cute!

In other words, she had grown attached, and her resolve only hardened: she would bring him back with her to konohagakure no matter what!
The poor boy deserved to have a happy childhood like she had.

So, crouching in the shadows, she spied  him knocking a few times on the door, before entering the old fisherman house.

Sakura had quickly approached a window, careful not to be spotted, her ninja training finally paying of.

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