Interrogation part 1

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So there was a little mishap and I published the chapter before it was ready (only for a handful minutes but still, sry). Anyways, this is the good version!
Hope you enjoy it!!

It didn't occur to Sakura until a few minutes later that she really shouldn't have told the boy.
Forget family matters or finally telling someone what was clouding her mind, Sasuke was the last person she should've confessed to (not in that way, though he was also – at the moment – one of the last persons on that list too).
Hell, even Shikamaru would have been a better option, and, in hindsight, one of the better options.

Sakura should probably be wary and apprehensive of what he would do, be doing.
However,Sakura was also exhausted.
She was physically tired, yes, but there was also a deep sort of weariness that had settled on her bones and made her indifferent about the world around her.

At that point, Sasuke could level the village and Sakura wouldn't care less.

With a sigh, she let herself fall forward, uncaring that she was in someone else's house, miles away from her own, and she closed her eyes, letting sleep take her.


When she woke up, it took Sakura a while to realize she wasn't in her room and then another handful of seconds to realize that she wasn't in whatever room Sasuke had dumped her in either.

Her current room, or cell, more like, was bare. And impossibly gray.
(If she wasn't so afraid, Sakura would be impressed, and she thought her room was pink!)

Apart from the looming dark walls and metal table in front of her, the cell was empty.
Flaring her chakra slightly, Sakura took note of the three ANBU standing guard outside the door and the three jonin standing behind a wall, facing in her direction.
She was a bit puzzled before scolding herself, it was probably a one-way glass or something of the sort. She was being interrogated after all.

With a sort of aloofness that came only with shock, Sakura waited until finally the door opened and the rugged interrogator and proctor ofthe first exam came in.
If she had thought him intimidating the first time, this was on a whole other level.
His small, rat-like eyes were narrowed on her, the bandanna around his head doing little to hide the scars Sakura knew littered his skull.

Deliberatly slow, he pulled a chair and sat in front of her, his steel eyes never leaving her own, drilling holes in her head.

Sakura waited anxiously, for the questions, accusations that were sure to follow, but nothing came.
The man just stared, silent.
He looked expectantly at her, like Iruka, when he knew it was Naruto that had painted the ceiling orange but still wanted the boy to admit to the deed.
It was... disarming to say the least.
Even more so that Sakura wasn't 100% sure exactly why she was there.

There was the case of theft, sneaking in the restricted part of the archives, forgery, and maybe more that she wasn't aware were illegal but probably were. (Why had she even done all that?)
Then, there was the part about the Uchiha massacre and Sasuke... oh... Sasuke...

Sakura nearly sighed in relief. The only reason she could be here (she hoped) was because it was clearly suspicious of her to be the last person in contact with Sasuke before he went batshit. She assumed that was the case, recalling the bloodthirsty look in his eyes. Knowing the idiot he had doubtlessly tried something dumb like attempting to kill the Hokage...

Oh Kami, she sweat dripped, that's what he did, didn't he?

She stopped her restless fidgeting, smoothing her shirt to keep her hands from shaking too badly. They didn't have any concrete evidence against her, or else she wouldn't be here.
If she wasn't already dead then there was still a big chance she could convince them of her innocence. (Or die trying, but she didn't want to think about it.)

The first rule about being interrogated and one her parents had drilled into her at an early age, was to always stick to the same version of the story.
It was easier to keep things simple, the human mind incapable of remebering everything anyway. Incorporating as much truth as possible was also essential and would be extremely helpful if anyone wanted to check her claims. Speaking of it, she was kinda doomed if Sasuke had told them anything.

So, in addition to making her story as believable as possible she also had to undermine Sasuke's credibility.
Great. Just... great.

Her fingers twitched slightly, and it took all her will power not to break into tears then and there.
Looking up from her lap, she came to the realisation that she hadn't spoken since Ibiki had come in and that was not helping her in her endeavour.

Silence was more like an admission of guilt than any words she could've said.

With a waver in her voice that was anything but fake, she asked:

"This...this is about Sasuke-kun, right?"  And although the interrogator didn't say anything, the glint in his eyes was answer enough.

"I..." Sakura took a deep breath to still her nerves "What has he done?..." her voice broke on the last word.

There was a sound of paper as Ibiki-san pushed a file towards her. Sakura wiped the tears welling in her eyes on the back of her hand before leaning forward to flip through.

The entire file was a compilation of incidents, starting with a minor assault on a civilian just after the Uchiha's massacre, passing by the whole Naruto/Sasule rivalry and it's climax on the hospital's roof.
The last, and somehow least surprising was an in depth description of Uchiha Sasuke's assassination attempt on Senju Tsunade, the Godaime Hokage.

According to it, at 11:07 this morning, Uchiha Sasuke had been seen approaching the woman. His neck and face had been covered with dark patterns and his chakra corrupted and out of control.
He had come up to Tsunade-sama, and had attacked her. The fight hadn't lasted long, Tsunade ending it before anything really happened, but they were several witnesses who recall having heard Sasuke yell: "This is for my clan!" just prior to him lunging at the Hokage with «clear intent to maim and/or kill».

The most surprising (and secretly relieving) piece of information was that Sasuke was currently in a medically induced coma, for both his and other's security.
Apparently, the curse mark (because Sakura was sure that that was the source of the corrupted chakra and weird marking) hadn't been properly sealed away and by using his chakra Sasuke had damaged his coils beyond repair. If he was conscious, his body wouldn't be able to handle the strain and he would... well, die.

In addition to that, he had been declared "mentally unstable" and "a danger to the Village".
Although Sakura understood the reasoning, she didn't think it was acurate. Sasuke was grieving, albeit in a weird way, and growing up without his family and with all these expectations weighing on him, half viewing him as the prodigious last living Uchiha, the other half as the brother of a madman who might snap at a moment's notice and kill everyone.

It must have been impossibly stressful and put a lot of strain on him. All the obnoxious flirting and dark glares, the suspicion and ignorant love mixed in a deadly combination.

Personnaly, Sakura didn't think Sasuke 'snapped' like his brother (if Itachi even did 'snap'). Sasuke had just channeled his anger towards another person.
It was common knowledge the brooding boy was seeking vengeance and planned on killing his elder brother; by giving him another culprit, Sakura had changed the person at the receiving end of his bloody revenge.

Just her luck that it was considered treason.

Sakura closed the file with a small clack and turned to face the interrogator's flinty stare.

"You want to know why he... did what he did." Her voice was flat and monotone, her aura of calm only betrayed by the slight tremble of her hands and red rimmed eyes.

And, for the first time since the beginning, Ibiki leaned forward and answered.


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