Iryo ninjutsu

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So, the video above is about the Blob.

You don't have to watch it, but:

1. It's interesting

2. I use it as a comparison further in this chapter, so... *shrugs* (You can watch only the first few seconds, the rest is scientific explanations)


The following chapter contains themes of blood, and (graphic?) descriptions of injuries and a panic attack.
If you feel uncomfortable, I'll write a short explanation of the chapter at the end.


After two excruciatingly long weeks, Sakura had finally finished the books
and decided to go look for Kabuto.
Yes, she had finished early, but she was so exited to finally learn a new jutsu, that she had disregarded her sleep schedule in order to get this over with quicker.

She walked down the streets, searching for the gray haired man.
(Why did all her male teachers have gray/silver hair? Coincidence)

Remembering the way she had 'sensed' the Demon Brothers a while back, she decided to give it a shot.

Sakura focused on Kabuto's chakra, from what she recalled it felt like.
It was really weird, like something with no definite shape and a slimy feel to it...
She closed her eyes to have her undiluted attention on the search, and she stretched out her senses.

Everything seemed abuzz. She could feel everyone around her. The slight smell of honey of the baker's sweet chakra,  the fire-hot one from a nearby shinobi...

Suddenly, just when she was sure she had spotted Kabuto, two other chakra signatures caught her attention.
One was dry and hot, like the wind in a very hot day, while the other was familiar and reminded her of the forest in autumn.

The first one flared slightly and disappeared while the second one just flickered, as if going out...

It's dying! She realized. Quickly, she jumped on the roof (it was now getting a habit) and hurried to where she had sensed them.

A few houses from where she had been, lying in a pool of blood was the proctor of the preliminaries.

The wound was wide, stretching from his shoulder to his waist, and he seemed to have already lost a lot of blood.

Because there was So,SOmUcH BlOod... BloOd, Blood, Bloodbloodbloddblood...

Tears starting forming in Sakura's eyes and her vision blurred, replacing the deathly injured man with images of her dead friend and his dead murderer.

The man coughed, blood spilling down his mouth, and he opened his eyes a fraction.

"..Ko..noha compromised... Yuga..o..."

The rasping sound of his voice pulled Sakura out of her torpor, and she blinked.

Rule# 24 A medic never looses their head.

Cold slowly took over her, a she analysed with a clinical eye the damage.
It longer seemed to her, that this was an actual human life at stake.
She was there. She knew what to do, so she would do it.

First, she assessed the situation.
To her immense relief, none of his important organs had been hit, and his aorta miraculously missed by only a few millimeters.
Then, Sakura started undressing the man, making sure not to move him too much. The jonin vest was relatively easy, but the mesh shirt had been ripped out and several bits of cloth had stuck in the wound.

This was not good.

Carefully, Sakura started removing the bit and pieces of cloth, the flesh and blood making her fingers feel icky and warm.

Once she had taken most of them out, she wrapped the wound with her jacket, pressing it with her palms to stop the hemorrhage. For a few seconds, it seemed like he had stabilised, but then blood continuedseeping out through the makeshift bandage, dripping through her fingers.

Resisting the instinct that made her want to pull her hands away and maybe rebandage the gash, she reminded herself of all the books she had read on the matter.

In case of severe bleeding, place a sterile bandage or clean cloth on the wound. Press the bandage firmly with your palm to control bleeding. Apply constant pressure until the bleeding stops. Maintain pressure by binding the wound with a thick bandage or apiece of clean cloth.

And that's what Sakura did. She ignored the panic rising in her chest with each passing moment, because...

He had lost SO much blood, what if he died of bloodloss like, like Kaito? What if she failed. What if someone else died because of her??

If the patient is bleeding profusely, and it seems traditional aid won't help, use iryo-ninjutsu


But... She knew next nothing about it... She had never done it, never tried.. She couldn't just use a living, breathing person as an experiment!
(Suddenly, the fact that this man's life was on the line felt painfully real. His chest rising steadily, his blood flowing out like an unstoppable stream).

And if you don't do that, he'll die regardless... A small voice murmured in the back of her mind. This doesn't have to be like Kaito. You have the ability to help, so do it!

Blinking once, the genin raised her palms from where she had pressed them, slowly removing the bandages from the gaping slash wound.

It looked red with blood drying on the edges, but still flowing out at a regular pace. Sakura dropped her blood soaked jacket on the ground next to her and quickly focused her yin and yang chakra in her hands, repeating on a loop the advice from her scrolls.

Slowly, a warm green light surrounded her hands and she immediately put them over the wound, watching with morbid fascination as the skin slowly healed itself. The blood cells moved at an unnatural speed, clotting the wound ; then, the skin seemed to advance, from the edge of the wound to the middle, like some sort of blob.
And, although the skin seemed to repair itself, it wasn't exactly the same color or texture as 'normal' skin.   It looked pinkish and felt slightly more thin and lumpy, like scar tissue.

Not daring to pull her hands away, Sakura continued to channel her chakra in her palm, and, soon began to feel sluggish. Her head became lighter and small black dots appeared in the edge of her vision.
Just when she was about to faint headfirst on her patient, two firm hands held her shoulders and gently laid her down on the ground.

All she saw before she collapsed was a tall shadow and a Neko mask.


Basically what happens was Sakura finishes her books early.

She looks for Kabuto, and while sensing for his chakra, finds Hayate's and Baki's. She arrives and heals Hayate (minor panic attack and hemophobia).

She manages to do the mystical palm, but collapses from chakra exhaustion.

Neko-chan arrives.


Also, SOME of the texts I used on first aid come from a website called "mayo clinic", just sayin' it isn't all me lol!

Please comment and vote?

Also, question : what are your favorite Naruto ships? Cannon and not cannon?

My answer : ShikaTema is my otp and probably Obikaka too...

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