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Alongside the other gennin that would go into the next stage of the exam, Sakura exited the building.

She waited for a while outside, for her sensei, but the lazy white haired ninja was nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly remembering that Sasuke was in hospital, she felt stupid.

Of course sensei would be with the injured! He probably assumed I'd directly head there!!

Sakura walked the familiar road to the hospital, and entered.

"Good-afternoon, Sakura-san!" one of the interns greeted.
She really hadn't spent that much time in the hospital, but, already, word had gotten around that she was Nanami-san's student.

"Good-afternoon." she replied. "Do you know if Kakashi-san came here earlier? I'm looking for him."

The intern sighed annoyed.
"Yes. He did come by earlier....And he just up and took one of our patients saying it was 'of the utmost importance' and then just poof! Disappeared with Uchiha-kun! Can you believe him?! The poor boy was still injured, but noooo that didn't matter! Honestly, ninja these days..."

Sakura didn't listen to the rest of his rambling.
Kakashi had left. He had taken Sasuke, probably for a teacher-student training trip, and he didnt even tell her?!
She had won the preliminaries too! What did he think she'd be doing in the next two months? Her nails?

Honestly,that's probably what he was thinking... She growled lowly. It's true I was not in the best mindset in the beginning, but sensei...
He wasn't one of the best either. I mean, what of the training in Wave? What of my ninja career?... Will me ever take ME seriously?

Sighing dejectedly, she remebered that Naruto, too, had been left by Kakashi just before an important match.

He's probably just as pissed of as I am. She thought. Maybe we can train together? I can ask Nanami-san if she minds...

After bidding the bubbly intern goodbye, she started the search for her knuckle headed teammate.
She looked at their usual training ground, at the ramen stand he loved so much, even at his apartment, but he was nowhere to be found.

Giving up on finding him, she made her way back to the hospital where, hopefully, Nanami-san would not shrink from her responsibilities and train her.
Unlike someone else!

But, much to Sakura's surprise, it was while walking down the streets that she found Naruto, and with a white haired grandpa, too!

"Hey! Naruto!" She called out at him. "Where were you? I've been looking everywhere!"

"Sooorrryy, Sakura-chan" the blond boy apologized rubbing his neck sheepishly.
"I met this old pervert that agreed to teach me some super powerful jutsu!" He pointed to the man next to him who sweat-dropped.

"Will you stop calling me a that?!" he growled at the boy before turning to Sakura and whistling appreciatively.

"Wow! You haven't told me you had such a pretty teamate!"


A tick mark appeared on the pink girl's forehead and she cracked her knuckles.

What did he just say?!




She pulled back her arm and threw her most powerful punch at the creepy old man who flew backwards and crashed into a wall.

Sakura then turned to Naruto and frowned worriedly.

''Naruto... if he ever so much as looks at you weird, kick him in the balls and run.''

She smiled a little, and soon, she was giggling to herself.

''Pfff the great toad sage is just an ol' pervert... What has become of the world?'' Sakura asked in an overly sorrowful voice.

She grinned at Naruto's confused face and waved at him before making her way back to the hospital.

When she arrived at there, another bad surprise was waitingfor her.


"What do you mean 'you can't train me?!" Sakura exploded, all the repressed anger from the past few hours surging out at once.

"You told me I'd be your apprentice, that you'd train me! Not leave me to fend for myself! You said... You said that you'd take me on as your apprentice..." Slowly, all of her fury seeped out, leaving her tired and drained.

Turns out no one wants to train a LoSt CaUsE...


Nanami looked at the girl sadly, but also a little angrily at being spoken to so unrespectfully.

"Is that a way to address your superior?" she glowered and the young genin flinched.
"You didn't even let me finish that you assumed the worse!"

Sighing, the tall woman rubbed her forehead. What had she done to deserve this?
Oh, right, she had agreed to train the child.

"I told you I wouldn't be available to train you." she drawled out, "But I never said I wouldn't find someone else, more suitable than I, to do it."

Sakura gazed up at the hospital head with eyes brimming with tearsand hope.
"You... really did that?" she sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve.

"Of course, darling." Nanami answered "I said I would, did I not? If I can't train you myself, the least I can do is find someone else to do it."

The girl scoffed and looked away.

"So... who's gonna train me?" She finally asked.
Huh, Sakura hoped it was someone nice...

"You can come in, now!" The raven woman called and the door of her office slammed open and a furious looking man came in, glaring at Nanami.
When he turned to face Sakura, his face held none of it's previous fury, but, behind his glasses, his eyes glimmered with hate and disgust.

"Sakura-chan!'' He exclaimed cheerfully ''I heard you made it to the finals!"

"... Kabuto-san?"

So, I just realised something.
Last time, I said I'd update on Saturday, and it's what I'm doing, but with time difference? I don't even know what time (or day if I post in the after noon/night) it might be elsewhere...

So sorry?


Question : who's your favorite kage? (not just Hokage)

Answer : It's probably Yagura and Tsunade...

(Next update on Wednesday?)


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