What a fucking day

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TW: (mild) panic attack
Next (long!!) update in about three days.


Turns out they were not "next door"  like Tsunade-sama had said, so Sakura began looking for her two teammates by herself. (There was no way she would ask the three adults again without looking like an idiot.)

She finally found them on the roof, half hidden behind a wall of hanging sheets. She was about to call out to them when she noticed it: in both of their palms, a bluish accumulation of cracking chakra were aimed at each other.

Up until now, the competition between the two boys had been aggressive, yes, but still somewhat a form of friendly rivalry. Now, to see both Naruto and Sasuke trying to seriously maim each other was horrifying.
Her feet moving on their own, Sakura ran towards them, her arms extended in an attempt to stop them, to make them realize that they were going to kill each other. She stood determinably ; entirely and painfully aware that she was about to die.
She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the blows to come, but they never did. Tentatively, she cracked open an eye to discover a clump of gravity defying hair and a dark green konhan jonin jacket.
Kakashi had saved her.

The adrenaline suddenly  faded and everything caught up with her at once. The dark look in her teammates's eyes, their determination to make the other hurt, no matter if it was permanently.

She slumped to the ground, tears rolling silently down her cheeks. Her hands graspsed at her hair, pulling them slightly while her breathing quickened and she was left gasping for breath. She stood up on wobbly legs, uneager for the rest of her team in such a pathetic state.
Waving them off she made a beeline for the exit. She didn't want to stay in the building, the white walls closing in around and suffocation her. She ran out and didn't slow her pace once in the open, racing through the streets until she finally stopped in a small alley.

She stayed there, her head in her knees for a long time. Eventually she fell asleep.
When she woke up, the sun had set a long time ago.
Dead on her feet, Sakura started heading sluggishly towards her house, but even in her tired state she didn't fail to notice her usual silent companion that followed her on the roof, watching her every move.

Sakura was about to take the main road and quickest way home (and maybe stay in bed for the rest of eternity) when a shadowed, familiar, figure caught her attention.
She followed him for a few meters, internally laughing at the situation, three people tailing each other in the night, when she finally realised where he was headed.
The gate.
Her first thought was: what kind of idiot sneaks out by the main gate?
Her second (more intelligent) was: Shit! He's sneaking out.
She lunged forward, betraying her presence, and grabbed his wrist stopping him mid stride.

"Sasuke! You can't go!"

The dark haired boy had the gall to ignore her, pushing her away as he continued walking towards the huge red gates. Catching up with him, Sakura took his hand again in a desperate effort to stop him from advancing. Surprisingly, it worked, and he turned to face her, his face twisted in an irritated scowl.
"Why? There's nothing here for me."
His bland response reminded Sakura of her traitorous sensei's and she blanched.
"You'll become a missing nin..."
"I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes to achieve my goal."
Distantly, the girl noted it was the most her brooding teammate had ever talked to her without insulting her.

"Your goal, oh yeah your goal... how could I forget? You want to kill your brother."
She laughed humorlessly. Was this guy for real? Going to a madman renown for experiencing on children just to kill his brother that she was 99% sure wasn't the real culprit of the massacre?
"Would you stay if I told you Nanami was a weirdo and Kabuto a creep and an even shittier sensei than Kakashi?"
He only sneered at her in response and was about to pull away when it stuck her. Sasuke didn't know that his clan's massacre was more than the meet's the eye. He didn't know the entire reason he wanted to leave was for nothing.

Steeling her nerves, she looked up, and without an ounce of shame declared:
"Don't go, Sasuke-kun. Please, I love you!"

At the same time, hidden from the ANBU, her finger tapped a message in morse on his wrist.

Itachi's innocent. I have more information but I'm being followed and I can't talk here. Don't go and I'll tell you.

What she actually tapped was far more succinct: "weasel-innocent-stop-more-info-stay-stop-warning-me-compromised-stop"

But, judging by the widening of his eyes, the message got across all the same.
Sakura forced a loving smile on her face, released his hand and made herself skip away, making sure to flash her love-struck grin in the ANBU's general location.

Once home, she collapsed on her bed, her whole body shivering.

What a fucking day.

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