Interrogation part 2

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Sakura's mind was running at high speed, a plan forming itself in her mind, the last pieces finally dropping into place. She didn't dare move a muscle, fearing the relief would be evident on her face, at least to a seasoned interrogator such as Ibiki.

She was running high on adrenaline, the thrill of tricking – and possibly succeeding – the head of Torture and Interrogation was making her forget her previous panic. Her mind was startlingly clear and for the first time in days, Sakura felt in control.

"I... I've been sick for a few days" she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "and when I came back for training sensei wasn't here yet..." She let the sentence trail off, her breath catching in her throat.

"Your sensei?" The man prompted gently, his tone clashing horribly with his stature and ever-scowling face.

Sakura made a show of wringing her hands anxiously, her eyes flitting everywhere around the room before settling on her lap.
"He... he wasn't here yet." She kept her sentences short and to the point.
"When I arrived, Sa..."her voice broke on the word "...Sasuke was already there.

The silence that reigned in the cell was deafening. A small part of Sakura's brain was whispering warningly that it would be better if she just confessed to everything now before things took a darker turn. If she left all these complicated machinations and twisted secrets to someone more capable.
She pushed the whiny voice to the back of her mind.

"He came talk to me." It took all her concentration to paint a sad smile on her face. She was the perfect picture of a broken heart, full of longing and hurt and betrayal.

"He never did before you know?" Her gaze rose to meet Ibiki's, green eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"We're supposed to be a team but we're... The most 'team-related' thing we have is the name." Sakura barked out a humorless laugh, wiping her eyes.

"Anyways, he... approached me and told me he had found some documents in his basement. He said... he said he couldn't read them before because he didn't have the sharingan."

At this point, Sakura was completely fibbing. She didn't know anything about the sharingan except what was common knowledge, and she certainly didn't know about any secret documents or anything of the sort. But,she doubted Ibiki knew anymore than her (the Uchiha used to be extremely secretive) so it didn't matter.

"He was yelling a lot, trying to convince me of joining him, that the Village was corrupt or something... Everyone knows Konoha looks out for their own, the Hokage would never." she scoffed lightly, her hand tightening around the sleeves of her jacket.
"But he kept repeating 'it's their fault, their fault!' His eyes... his eyes were red and..." The fear that etched her face didn't need to be faked, the mere memory of his whirling tomoes glaring at her was enough to make her falter and shudder in dread.

"He took my hand. And then..." She paused, letting the tears run freely down her cheeks. "I don't remember anything else." she ended in a whisper, curling up against the cold metal chair.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, but to Sakura it felt like years.
Finally, Ibiki rose and made his way towards the exit. Before passing the threshold, he stopped, turning to face the sobbing girl. Her face was half hidden behind a curtain of pink bangs, but her shoulders were shaking in the tell-tale sign of crying.
Dear kami, he wasn't equipped to deal with traumatized children. He suppressed a sigh, running a hand down his face, this was supposed to be Inoichi's job, not his!

"Hey,brat." he called out. He waited until she was sure she was listening and continued. "You'll stay here for a while, I'll send someone when you're allowed to be discharged. Just... stay put."

He turned his heels and left without a single glance back.

Approximately 17 minutes and 49seconds after leaving, Morino Ibiki slammed the door open and gestured to Sakura to follow him.
He made her fill in a mind-numbing amount of paperwork, legal forms and other documents before allowing her to exit the dark T&I building.

Outside, the moon was already high, but Sakura was too lost in her thoughts to notice. She walked home, and dropped face first into her couch.

Her mind was is whirling from the experience. From lying to the head of the Torture and Interrogation unit.
And not getting caught.
She couldn't believe her luck, but she knew that she couldn't continue to rely on said luck.

Sakura may be a first generation civilian kunoichi, but she knew her own limits and wasn't arrogant enough to think she could handle everything on her own.
Perhaps, she mused, being a civilian is what had taught her that. She could hardly imagine that conceited Hyuga boy swallow his pride and ask for help.

Although telling Sasuke was a horrible idea, sharing her discoveries with someone else was a smart plan.
Ever since her fight with Nanami-san, Sakura could feel her mental state deteriorating faster than sugar in hot tea.

She needed someone to ground her, someone who knows her enough that they were aware of her stubbornness, and, without trying to undermine her,would balance her reckless tendencies. Someone who could access information without looking suspicious.
She needed someone with cunning and wit. Someone whom she could lean on, ask for opinion and who could cover up for her if she ever slipped up.
She needed someone who was strong, physically, maybe specialised in frontal assault if things ever took a turn for the worse and they needed to fight.

An image flashed unbidden beneath her eyelids, and Sakura groaned against the pillows.
She knew exactly who she needed.

Sakura needed team10, and things sure were going to become troublesome.


About Ibiki's attitude during the interrogation, I can't believe that the man managed to become the head of T&I without playing good cop once in a while.
This is a matter of the utmost importance (attempted kagecide) so it's not too unrealistic it's him who's in charge. Plus, he would probably realize rather quickly that Sakura is the kind of girl that reacts better to positive responses than threats. (And he technically isn't wrong, Sakura is just much more than her file makes her out to be).

Also, I've had LOADS of ideas for new Narutoverse fics once I finish this one (granted it isn't quite close to the end but I have everything carefully planned out so it won't take TOO long).

1. Uchiha Shisui doesn't die when he jumps into the Naka.

2. Facing Sasuke in front of the Gates, Sakura understands that nothing she can do will convince her teammate to stay. She knocks him out and henges as him, taking his place.(not really evil Orochimaru, but he still has questionable morals, eventual SakuKarin)

3. Uzumaki Kushina as Sakura's inner.

4. Uzumaki Mito reborn as Naruto's twin sister.

5. Sakura part of an underground organisation that helps civilians and ninja alike escape the bloody mist

6. Moegi is the daughter of Ameyuri Ringo

7. Sakura is a child of the flower district and is extremely ressourcfull and smart for her age (academy and genin arcs)

the list goes one... Even if I won't begin writing any of these right away, pls tell me which one you feel are the best??

Thank you for reading, stay safe!!

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