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Sorry for the short AND overdue update...


When Sakura regained consciousness, she didn't open her eyes straight away, choosing instead to wait a few minutes to analyse her surroundings.
There were no screams, nothing seemed to indicate they were still in the middle of a fight or anything that needed her attention ; so she decided to just mull over what had happened.

She had been betrayed.
Nanami-san was a traitor. With her rotten luck, Kabuto was too. The duo had always been close, and now that she knew of the medic's betrayal, a lot of things suddenly made sense.

Her parents were probably either worried or dead, but Sakura felt too apathetic to react in any way. She felt strangely detatched from everything, as if she was floating over herself, her worries and her life.

With nothing better to do, Sakura's mind wandered to the day that changed her life. The day she decided being a shinobi was worth it.
But was it?
Was seeing everyone leave you, one way or another, worth it? Was it really? Risking your life for people you didn't know, risking your friend's lives for people that scorned them?

Nanami's words rang in her head.

You should ask your teammates. You should ask the Uchihas, hell, you should ask all the orphans that disapear every year. You should ask your dear Kakashi-sensei..

Sakura wasn't blind, and she wasn't stupid. Sakura knew that Naruto was hated.

She didn't know why.

Sakura remembered the times when her mother would flinch at the sight of the beautiful and cold Uchiha.  They weren't here anymore and Sasuke was revered as a god.

She didn't know why.

Sakura had been friends, once, with a nice boy she met at the park. He always smiled at her, and his brother would give her sweets and answer her questions with a kind smile. One day, they dispeared.

She didn't know why.

Once, Sakura had skimmed through bingo books and seen the famed 'friend killer' name. She learnt he had killed his teammate.

But... She. Didn't. Know.Why.

All these unanswered questions added to her feverish state didn'thelp her growing headache. 

The girl sighed. Why, again, did she listen to a traitor's words?

Oh, right, because it was suspicious.

Of course it was suspisous, Nanami was frickin traitor! She worked for the Sannin who cursed Sasuke.

But... she couln't deny the evidence.

Wavering between curiosity, suspicion and just plain apathy, Sakura decided to wait until she was in better shape before she delved into such dangerous topics. (If Sakura had learnt one thing since she became a ninja, it was that the more suspicious the more dangerous, and this... was clearly suspicious.)

Her body, too, seemed to agree with her decision and she quickly drifted to sleep.


When she woke up again, everything was still silent. This time, she opened her eyes.
She was in a hospital room, the white walls glaring at her from each side of the bed.
The only spot of colour in the room was Naruto, lounging on a chair in the corner, snoring. 

She coughed to get his attention. Eyes snapping open, the blond boy dusted his clothes, acting like he hadn't been asleep just a second prior.

"Oh! Sakura-chan, you're awake!" he, whooped in joy, but then visibly dimmed.

"Umm...Yeah, sorry Sakura we weren't here to help you at the arena when the gen-ju-tsu happened..." He enuciated each syllable like the word was foreign on his tongue.

Sakura was about to ask him what had happened with him and the other contestants when something caught her attention.

"Wait...The arena?"

"Well yeah," Naruto explained "We found you buried under some rubble in the arena. Kabuto-bastard cast an illusion and you fell asleep like the others..." He continued explaining what had happened, but Sakura only half listened.

Why had Nanami brought her back to the arena?

That was the onlypossible answer :
-The civilians she had been (trying) to protect would have broughther to another konohan ninja.(If they hadn't been killed).

-Konohan ninja would have brought her to either the hospital or the hideout (not to the center of the combat!).

-ennemy ninja would've finished her off.

But...Nanami was an ennemy ninja...

Why didn't Nanami kill me?

Does she think I'll turn on Konoha if I discover the answers to these stupid questions?? Sakura scoffed, fat chance of that happening (the going rogue thing, I'm totally finding the answers Shannaro!)

MaybeNanami just decided to spare me because she liked me?
That idea warmed her, somehow. Sakura didn't know why, but the idea of her teacher/mentor not killing her, was nice.

Being a ninja was weird.


I feel like that chapter is all over the place.
Ask, I wrote that Naruto knew Kabuto was a traitor and I don't think that's canon?? Well! It is in this fanfic!!

Anyways, Happy Halloween y'all!!👻🎃

MaybeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora