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Nandini- what happened? Why does my Aadu looks so sad today?

Aadhya- mom will I never be able to meet my dad?

The question startled Nandini as it was the first time that Aadhya had asked her about her dad. Nandini had always tried her best to never let Aadhya feel the absence of her father and to shower her princess with love on her father's behalf as well, but that wasn't possible. She always knew that no matter how hard she tries but she will never be able to take the place of a father in Aadhya's life. The topic that Aadhya had touched was a sensitive one for both of them.

Nandini- Aadu why are you asking this all of a sudden?

Aadhya(sobbing)- today, in class, daisy ma'am asked us to speak about our father. And when my turn came, I stood there blank. I didn't even know his name mom.

Nandini knew that no words would be enough to console her but still she couldn't let her sunshine cry so she tried,

Nandini- Aadu

But before she could have completed her sentence, the next set of words that left Aadhya's mouth broke her heart even more.

Aadhya- does my dad not love me?

Nandini(immediately)- no it's not like that, he loves you a lot my princess. It's just that he is busy with work, busy to earn more money so that he can bring more toys for his little princess.

Aadu- then tell him to come back. Tell him that I don't need more toys, I am happy with ones I have. The only thing that I need is my dad.

Nandini hugged her and rubbed her back in order to calm her down. She closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks. Her mind went back to the darkest day of her life, the day when she had gone to Malhotra Mansion with a two-month-old Aadhya to tell Manik that he had become a father.

Five years ago,

At the gate, Malhotra Mansion

Nandini- Ramesh bhaiya (the guard) please tell Manik that I have come to meet him.

Nyonika- there's no need to do that. Ramesh you go.

There came Nyonika.

Nandini- mom, look

Nyonika(interrupting)- it's Mrs. Nyonika Malhotra for you.

Nandini- Please call Manik and tell him that I have come to meet him. I have come to make him meet our daughter. Mom please call him downstairs.

Nyonika took her phone out and called Manik. She said all that Nandini had told her and then disconnected the phone after listening to his reply.

Nandini- What did he say? He must been very happy. Why are you quiet, say something?

Nyonika- he said that we should throw you out of here right away as he doesn't want to see your face again. And ya, about the baby, he has refused to accept that this baby as his. So please, without creating any further scene please leave, just go from here Nandini and never ever try to contact my son ever again. He hates you.

Nandini- Mom please let me see him once.

Nyonika- He doesn't want to meet you. Just stay away from him.

Saying this, Nyonika turned and left. Her words didn't break Nandini's heart, but this time, it made her heartless. She knew that Manik and her had had a fight but she had never expected him to bring their daughter in between their fight. What was the mistake of that innocent soul? Why was she being deprived of her father's love? How could he just refuse to accept her?

Nandini immediately opened her eyes to come out of those haunting memories. She knew that it was tough for Aadhya to live without her father, but knowing that her father doesn't believe that she his daughter, will make things even tougher for her. And she could not let her baby suffer, so the only way to keep her happy was to keep her away from Manik.

On Manik's side,

Manik reached the new Mansion that he had recently bought in Delhi, by spending almost double the money that it actually costed, but did he care about that? Not at all. Not because he was some rich spoiled brat, he was a self-made man who had worked day and night to earn this luxurious lifestyle but the reason behind his indifferent attitude was the most special lady in his life, the love of his life, Nandini. She was the woman for whom he could finish himself then how can he even think about money when it was about her. Leaving Delhi without her was no longer an option!

This mansion was not as spacious and fancy as the one in Mumbai but that really didn't make a difference to him. He climbed the stairs after ordering the servant to prepare a glass of orange juice for him, yes, this was the magic of his Nandini. It was after years that he was ordering for an orange juice instead of a bottle of whiskey for himself. He moved towards his room and removed his coat, breathing a sigh of relief.

It was after years, that he felt content. His lips had a soft smile. His eyes were shining with hope, hope to win his angel back. For a change, his heart felt warm.

He freshened up and sat on the bed, resting his head on the bedrest. His mind was occupied by her thoughts, her memories, some sweet, some bitter, some old, some recent, but only hers. He closed her eyes and he could see her in front of him, her gentle smile, her sparkling eyes, her laugh, her anger, her pleadings, her tears. The last Sight made him open his eyes abruptly. He couldn't even imagine that how had he become the monster that pushed his angel away? How did he let his inner demons burn the happiness of his ever so innocent angel? He regretted the moment when he allowed his darkness to consume her light. He regretted the moment when he let his fury snatch the glee from her mesmerizing eyes.

But now he wished to change the things. He was determined to give her all the happiness in the world. He wanted to make new memories with her, memories which would be even more joyful than all the old ones.

His chain of thoughts were broken by the ringing of his phone. His heartbeat accelerated on seeing the name displayed on the screen. It was Jatin. This was it. The wait was over. Now he was just a step away from receiving all the answers that he wanted, that his heart needed so badly. He picked up the phone with trembling hands and swiped the call button to the right.

Phone Conversation,

Manik- yes Jatin, what have you found out?

Jatin- Manik, Nandini lives with a girl named Navya,

Manik (cuts him)- I know her, she is Nandini's childhood best friend. Have you found out anything else?

Jatin- yes, a small girl also lives with them, she must be four or five years old.



Hope you all liked the chapter.

 What would you have done if you were at Nandini's place? Just curious to know your answers.


Is it time for Manik to get to know the truth about his daughter? 

You will get to know that very soon.

Till then, Stay tuned and


I will see you all soon with the next chapter!!

Thank you, 

Stay safe and take care,

Best Wishes!


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